Pendugaan Neraca Karbon Pada Kebun Kelapa Sawit Panai Jaya Dan Meranti Paham Pt. Perkebunan Nusantara IV Labuhan Batu, Sumatera Utara
The second terresterial carbon storage after mineral soil is peatland. CO2 stock from peatland plays an important role in stabilizing a global climate. Aims of this study is to calculate carbon budget of oil palm Panai Jaya and Meranti Paham Estate, PTPN IV, Labuhan Batu, North Sumatera in 2009. Determination of C-organic is based on dry incineration and Walkey and Black method. Emission measurements were conducted directly in the field by using a Close Chamber Method and secondary data analysis. The data was collected based on two step that were field measurements and laboratory analysis. Carbon budget or carbon net emmision (CO2) is calculated based on the difference of CO2 stock and CO2 emission. The result of this study showed that carbon budget value in Panai Jaya and Meranti Paham estate is about -68.07 and -35.24 ton CO2/ha/year in 2009, respectively.