Karakteristik susut masak dan organoleptik ayam broiler goreng akibat penambahan sigi indah dalam air minum selama pemeliharaan
Most of Indonesian prefers chicken meat to the others because it is the cheapest above all. Although at recent time there has been a lot of broiler breeder, but their production was not optimal yet. One of the problems comes from their low feed quality.It can be improved by adding feed supplement to broilers drinking water. This \\;ill affect its nutrition value. Together \with organoleptic, which is determine consuniers preference, and physical quality, they \will influence broiler meat quality. This research was conducted to study the effect of Sigi Indah feed-supplement added to drinking water during rising time to organoleptic and cooking loss characteristic of broiler meat. Sigi lndah \tias chosen because it is natmlJorganic feed supplement which contain minerals, microbe and amino acids that very potential to substitute synthetic feed additive.This research used 1,050 broilers w\.hich distributed into seven level of treatment (0.0; 0.25; 0.5; 0.75; 1.0; 1.25; 1.5 percent of Sigi Indah) \\.it11 thirty head each cage. Feed and drinking water were given ad libitum. Breast meat \\;as used as evaluated sample. The research \t~usse d Completely Randomized Design with seven level of treatment and three replication. Parameter measured was cooking loss and organoleptic quality (color, taste, texture and aroma). Data from organolepiic test \\?as analyzed by descriptive analize, while cooking loss used ANOVA and polynomial orthogonal test. The result showed that broiler meat with P2 treatment have the higgest acceptance percentage. The treatment also didn't have significant effect to meat's cooking loss. Ke).7eords: broiler, Sigi Indah, organoleptic, cooking loss