Pengaruh iradiasi sinar gamma pada polen kelapa Genjah Salak
Coconut plants are classified into two types namely Tall coconut and Dwarf coconut. Salak Dwarf coconut derived from South Kalimantan, the characteristic of Salak Dwarf Coconut is that is grow faster than Tall coconut. The objective of this research is to analyze the effect of gamma irradiation on pollen viability and chromosomes of Salak Dwarf coconut pollen. Pollen viability and chromosome pollen of Salak Dwarf coconut pollen were observed using microscope. The higher dosage of gamma irradiation, the lower pollen germination. At lethal doses of (LD50) gamma irradiation had caused the pollen germination viability less than half, from 31% to 14 to 19%, were 5-10 Gy. The dosage level of gamma irradiation dosages 5-15 Gy Chromosome number increase, how ever at dosage level 20-30 Gy chromosome number decrease. Irradiation caused the chromosome changed. Chromosomes number differed the level of gamma irradiation dosages. Artificial pollination in coconuts using gamma irradiation pollens should be used dosage irradiation less than 5 Gy.
- UT - Biology [2159]