Analisis fungsi produksi dan efisiensi usahatani kopi rakyat di Aceh Tengah
Aceh Tengah Regency is the main coffee-producing areas in Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. This study aims : (1) to identify contributing factors to the production of smallholder coffee, (2) to analyze the condition of the economic scale of the smallholder coffee, and (3) to analyze the economic efficiency of smallholder coffee in Central Aceh Regency. The study used survey method. Farm sample determined by simple random sampling technique. Data were analyzed by using production function Cobb-Douglas type. Study results showed significant factor affecting the coffee production at 10% significance level are the amount of labour, land area and coffee tree’s age. The more labour is used, the more productive land area and the older the tree’s age, the higher coffee production. The coffee production in the sloping land higher than in flat land.
- MT - Economic and Management [2975]