Analisis preferensi risiko dan efisiensi teknis usahatani talas di Kota Bogor
Risk preferences play an important role in farmer’s decisions on input allocation and hence in output supply. Talas productivity in Bogor City was low that it was influenced by risk preferences of farmer. The objectives of this study were to analyze: (1) technical efficiency of talas farming in Bogor City, (2) talas farming technical inefficiency sources in Bogor City, (3) risk preferences of farmer in the face of talas farming production risk in Bogor City, and (4) the effect of risk preferences of farmer to talas farming technical efficiency in Bogor City. Frontier production function model with heteroskedastic error structure estimated by Maximum Likelihood estimation developed by Kumbhakar was adopted to analyze risk preferences of farmer and technical efficiency of talas farming in Bogor City. Sixty five samples were drawn by simple random sampling method. The results show talas farming are technically efficient, and farmer socio-economic characteristics such as land holding and age influence talas farming technical inefficiency sources in Bogor City. All farmers are risk taker that influences input allocation and technical efficiency. Result shows risk taker farmers used input higher that yield high technical efficiency and high productivity.
- MT - Agriculture [3787]