Pemetaan sawah baku Kabupaten Subang Bagian Timur dengan Citra Satelit Alos
The existing production estimation system for rice plant is not optimum yet. Therefore, the change of estimation system from list frame to area frame is needed. The area frame approach begin by using remote sensing with satellite image, where the baseline mapping rice field can be made. The purpose of this research is to map and to identify each single rice field parcel include its perimeter (galengan). This research take place in eastern part of Kabupaten Subang by using ALOS PRISM and ALOS PALSAR satellite imageries. Furtheremore, the resulted digitized rice field map is compared with the existing tabular data. Based on that data analysis, it was found that digitazed rice field map had a significant discrepancies compared to the existing data. Further exercise to reconcile the result is required through village base validation.