Diskurusus dan Aktor dalam Pembuatan dan Implementasi kebijakan Kehutanan; Masalah Kerangka Pendekatan Rasional
This study was conducted to acquire how forest policy making process arid implemerrtation have been going on. The role of discourses, knowledge, actors and their networks determine effectiveness of policy debate to meet its goaL Forest policy making process and implementation was not occurred i~ai linear process as constructed in the rational framework Imperfected knowledge creates dispiite resolution. Effective interaction anrong actors to solve their diverse perception was determined by knowledge as well as discourses The strengrlr of actors and their networks and gap of their interest are signifcant factors to meet their agreed solution. The facts of forest policy process and implenientation are expected to be understood by stakeholders and they should bear in mind that effort to improve performance of forestry development based on implementation of misting policy and policy refonn remain unpredictable. This ana&sis are also expected to be used by stakeholders to get better pol@ intervention strategy.