Potensi Galur-Galur Padi Rawa Pasang Surut Menunjang Ketahanan Pangan
The advance yield trial was conducted at potential tidal swampland at /nlittra Handil Manarap. South Kalimantan in dry season of2000. Nine advanced lines, designationly/ R53709-36-10-2;B 729Id-Sm-Tb-5;B W 307-6; B/0278b-Mr-3-3-1; B/0179b-Mr-I-4-2; BI0278b-Mr-/-4-2; B/0277b-Mr-I-4-3; TOX31/8-6-£2-3-2; BIOI79b-Mr-l- 4-/ and Kapuas variety used as a check variety. The trial was arranged in randomized completely block design with three replications. The trial showed that there were fiveadvanced lines which their yield rewe higher than Kapuas, i. e B729Id-Sm-Tb-5; BW307-6; BI0278b-Mr-3-3-1; BIOI79b-Mr-I-4-2; BIOI 79b-Mr-I-4-1. The yield of the five lines were 2.47; 2.42; 2.45; 2.50; dan 2.29 tlha, respectively while yield of Kapuas variety was only 2.20 tlha. Percentage qfyield inceasing of these lines, if compared by Kapuas, were 1.27; 10; 11.36; 13.64; 4.09 % respectively.