Pengaruh Dosis Nitrogen dan Kalium terhadap Produksi dan Mutu Tembakau Temanggung pada Tumpang Sisi Kubis - tembakau di Pujon Malang
The experiment were carried out to determine the efect ofN and K on growth, yield and quality of Temanggung tobacco grown intercropped with cabbage at Pujon, Malang. The factorial design with randomized block in jive replications were used. Cabbage were plantedfiom February-May, 1992 where as tobacco intercropped in April-September 1993. Three levels of nitrogenfiom Ammonium Sulphate namely 30 kg N/ha (Nl), 60 (N2) and 90 kg N/ha (N3), while Potassium fiom Potassium Sulphate of 0, 50 and 100 kg K20ha were the treatment. Cabbage were fertilization at the rate of 390 kg Nha and 780 kg PzOs/ha without K fertilization. The Frst tobacco fertilizations were done at a day after cabbage harvest when tobacco at 16 days old, the half dosages of N and full dosages of K were applied. Other halfof N were applied when tobacco at 30 days old. The nitrogen did increase top leaf length, to leaf width, fieshyield and Ncontent of Temanggung tobacco of variety of Genjah Kemloko. The potassium did increase quality index and crop index signiJicantly. The N and K interactions is likewise influenced significantly the quality and crop indexes. The maximum leaf length and leaf width were obtainedfiom 90 kg N/ha treatment, whereas highest quality and crop indexes obtainedfiom 30 kg N/ha (~1)'and10 0 kg K20/ha (Ki) treatments. Highest N content of 3.707% were detectedfiom 90 kg N/ha treatments.