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dc.contributor.authorArham, Zainul
dc.contributor.authorPutra, Syopiansyah Jaya
dc.contributor.authorMuna, Elvi Nilna
dc.description.abstractThe research analize on climate condition at Bandung regency. Rainfall is the one unsure of climate. Rainfall can be measured in daily, monthly and annually. Normal Isohyeth is a line that join a places it have a same rainfall. This reseseach take place in BBMG District II. The substances are spatial data about rainfall on 13 years period. Tools used this reseach: computer system on Geographic Information System specification for spatial analysis. The product of reseach is a map layout and monthly data graphic in every rainfall post. Keyword : BBMG Distric II, GIS, climate, isohyeth, rainfall and map layoutid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleAnalisis iklim dengan pendekatan isohyet normal pada curah hujan (Studi kasus: Kabupaten Bandung) The Climate Analysis With Normal Isohyet Approach of Rainfall (Case Study: Bandung Regency)id

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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