Kesuksesan Perkembangbiakan dan Pertumbuhan Anakan Bangau Bluwok (Mycteria cinerea) di Suaka Margasatwa Pulau Rambut
The Milky Stork (Mycteria cinerea) is one of the most endangered stork species in the world. In Java they breed only in Pulau Rambut, a small island in Jakarta Bay. The objective of this research was to reveal some important aspects of breeding season, breeding success and chick development of Milky Stork in Pulau Rambut. Data collected by climbing the nesting trees. In the year 2001 and 2002 the number of active nests were 25 and 32, respectively. The onset of breeding season coincided with the start of rainy season. The peak of breeding season occured in March in the year observed. Eggs hatched asynchronously and chicks were semi altricial. Fledging time was at day 50 and the chicks became independent at day 90. Weight growth curve of Milky Stork fitted with Gompertz curve, while culmen, ulnar and tarsus growth curves fitted with logistic curves. Breeding success varied from 46.00%-49.00%. The average hatching failure was 35.00% while chick mortality was 14.50%.