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dc.contributor.advisorSuryani, Ani
dc.contributor.advisorArkeman, Yandra
dc.contributor.authorHadiguna, Rika Ampuh
dc.description.abstractSupply chain management and quality risk in crude palm oil (CPO) agroindustry was indispensable to achieve superiority in value and productivity. Aspects that require a special attention were quality risk, supply of crude palm oil, harvest-transport-processing management and transportation of fresh fruit bunches. A main problem was the productivity improvement by analyzing all those important aspects. The objective of this research was to design a decision support system which consists of integration of risk assessment, inventory control, supply chain optimization, and fresh fruit bunches transportation scheduling. There were three stages used in this research: developing an assessment model and quality risk aggregation, developing a supply chain model with multiobjective, and decision support system design. Quality risk assessment used Multi Expert-Multi Criteria Decision Making (ME-MCDM), Ordered Weighted Average (OWA) and Rule Based. Historical data analysis to estimate the supply of fresh fruit bunches and crude palm oil sale was Autregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA). Inventory modeling of crude palm oil was carried out using Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) and fuzzy technique. A heuristic technique used to formulate all mathematic formulations. Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) was to optimize entire supply chain. Transportation scheduling was carried out using binary integer programming. Model verification was conducted by examining the logic of programming and computation results, while model validity was conducted using Face Validity technique. Quality risk source were structurized in three level: risk driver factors, key activities and operational units. Assessment results of quality risk was a high-risk in plantation and risk management was focused on transportation of fresh fruit bunches. Mathematical formulation included the CPO inventory at the harbor, supply chain and fresh fruit bunches transportation scheduling which was useful to determine amount of shipment to the harbor, supply chain optimization with cost unit and factory utilization as objectives function and TBS transportation scheduling by managing the transportation routes to each of harvest location or afdeling (section). Decision support system design in this research was named SIRPO which consists of data base, model base and knowledge base. SIRPO was useful for analysis of supply chain and quality risk assessment which function to assess the risk level and give recommendation as risk management, fresh fruit bunches procurement from three plantation, CPO production, CPO shipping to the harbor, inventory level and fresh fruit bunches transportation scheduling for nucleus and plasma
dc.description.abstractSupply chain management and quality risk in crude palm oil (CPO)agroindustry was indispensable to achieve superiority in value and productivity. Aspects that require a special attention were quality risk, supply of crude palm oil, harvest-transport-processing management and transportation of fresh fruit bunches. A main problem was the productivity improvement by analyzing all those important aspects. The objective of this research was to design a decision support syste m which consists of integration of risk assessment, inventory control, supply chain optimization, and fresh fruit bunches transportation scheduling.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePerancangan sistem penunjang keputusan rantai pasok dan penilaian risiko mutu pada agroindustri minyak sawit kasarid, A.Md 2012-11-19 Edit : Pembimbing, Keyword
dc.subject.keywordDecision Support System
dc.subject.keywordEconomic Order Quantity (EOQ)
dc.subject.keywordQuality Risk Assessment
dc.subject.keywordSupply Chain

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