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dc.contributor.authorIqri Sulizar H.
dc.contributor.authorSyarief, Atjeng M.
dc.contributor.authorSyuaib, M. Faiz
dc.description.abstractRice bran oil can be obtained by solvent exrtaction. The objective of this study was to determine the performance of a pilot plant scale rice bran oil extraction equipments. Hexane has been used as a solvent for extraction. The extraction runs have used extractor temperatures 50°C and 60°C, and the duration of extraction were 60,90, and 120 minutes, respectively. The preliminary study showed that processing of rice bran need 120 minutes, resvectively. That preliminery study showed that the highest yield of the extracted rice bran oil was 9.17 %. Further study showed that the highest yield of the extracted rice bran ooil was 11.93 % at temperature of 50 % C and 60 minutes, whereas the mean boiler efficiency was 73.315 % and the oil produced met the standard specified by A. 0. C. S (American Oil Chemist Society) and Japan standard for iodiene and free fatty acid value. Almost of solvent was lost because it was absorbed by skim rice bran. As the solvent gradually decrease, the duration of evaporation and the condesation tend to
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleUji Performansi Ekstraksi Minyak Dedak Skala Pilot Plantid

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