Pengaruh Penggunaan Molases dan Tepung Gaplek sebagai Bahan Perekat Terhadap Sifat Fisik Wafer Ransum Komplit
COntinOUl feed inventory, high quality, economic and practice from feed are needed for: farmer:. Wafer: Complete Feed would be a balanced diet for: rumiDant. Because of a decrease in the built density, the handiing .torage and transportation becames easy and economical. Futher, they can be a part of famine feed bank for: drought prone regions of developing cOUlltries, as evolved technology is easy to adapt The research was pur:pose to know effect used molues and pplek as binder: to phy.ical characteristics wafer: feed complete • The experiment design was completely r:andomised with factor: : molue. (0, 5, 10 %) and pplek (0, 5, 10 %). The result nseudl showing effect pplek very sipific:antly (a-o.01) and molases .ignificantly (a-o.OS) to density of physical charadestic. Effect Gaplek very .ignificantly (a-O.01) and molues no .ignificantly (a-o.OS) to moi8ture content. Effect mowes and gaplek very sipificant1y (a-o.01) to .welling, water: absorption. and hardne ••. Key wortls: Wafer CQlllplete Feed. molasses, gaplek. phy.lcal characteristic •.