Pengembangan Model Pemanfaaatan Hutan Untuk Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Wilayah dan Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Secara Berkelanjutan
Fundamental law of forest notifies that deforestation was done by the forest concessionaires will influence to the traditional community around the forest, that is their activities, their living condition, and also to the regional (Jayapura) economic growth. Forest rehabilitation, guidance, and counseling activities in the community that was done by the forest concessionaires was not match to their objectives, thus the report documentatio~l was not fulfill to the target of this activities. Forest protection rules for the comm~~niwtye lfare have not shown significantly changes to the community and forest sustainability. Analysis with Social Accounting Matrix Model (SAM) was shown that the forest management in Jayapura had negative impact to the income of rural community, and indirectly to the economic growth of Jayapura regency. By micro approach shown the correlation between educa-t ion, informal institution, with community income and welfare. Thus, forest management needs participation from traditional community, goverment and forest concessionaires in term of economic growth and community welfare.
- MT - Economic and Management [2971]