Pengaruh Variasi Tisane terhadap Organoleptik dan Karakteristik Fisikokimia Kombucha
Moslem, Gallant Son
Astuti, Rika Indri
Putra, Ivan Permana
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Kombucha merupakan minuman teh yang difermentasi oleh konsorsium bakteri dan khamir. Tisane adalah teh herbal selain Camellia sinensis yang dibuat dari bagian-bagian tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh substitusi teh pada kombucha dengan beberapa tisane terhadap organoleptik dan fisikokimia. Tisane yang digunakan diantaranya telang, rosela, lavender, dan chamomile. Karakteristik fisikokimia diuji berdasarkan ketebalan SCOBY, nilai pH, kadar abu, kadar air, kadar protein, kadar alkohol, dan gula total, sedangkan organoleptik dengan uji hedonik dan mutu hedonik yang meliputi parameter warna, aroma, dan rasa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tisane berpengaruh nyata terhadap ketebalan SCOBY dan pH. Uji hedonik parameter warna dan aroma berpengaruh nyata, sedangkan pada uji mutu hedonik berpengaruh nyata pada setiap parameter. Uji proksimat menunjukkan kadar abu tertinggi pada kontrol, kadar air tertinggi pada telang, kadar protein <0,04% pada setiap perlakuan. Kadar alkohol yang dihasilkan <0,5% sesuai dengan standar halal fatwa MUI. Gula total menunjukkan hasil rendah pada kontrol dan cukup rendah pada tisane. Kombucha bunga lavender menunjukkan hasil terbaik pada organoleptik dan terukur baik pada fisikokimia. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan informasi tambahan mengenai olahan alternatif yang dapat meningkatkan nilai jual, eksplorasi profil nutrisi, dan daya keterimaan masyarakat terhadap tisane dan tisane kombucha. Kombucha is a tea drink fermented by a consortium of bacteria and yeast. Tisane is an herbal tea other than Camellia sinensis made from plant parts. This study aims to analyze the effect of tea substitution in kombucha with several tisanes on organoleptic and physicochemical properties. Tisane used included telang, rosela, lavender, and chamomile. Physicochemical characteristics were tested based on SCOBY thickness, pH value, ash content, moisture content, protein content, alcohol content, and total sugar, while organoleptic with hedonic test and hedonic quality which includes color, aroma, and taste parameters. The results showed that tisane had a significant effect on SCOBY thickness and pH. Hedonic test of color and aroma parameters had a significant effect, while the hedonic quality test had a significant effect on each parameter. Proximate test showed the highest ash content in the control, the highest water content in telang, protein content <0.04% in each treatment. The resulting alcohol content was <0.5% in accordance with the MUI fatwa halal standard. Total sugar showed low results in the control and quite low in the tisane. Lavender flower kombucha showed the best results on organoleptic and measured well on physicochemical. The results of this study provide additional information about alternative preparations that can increase selling value, exploration of nutritional profiles, and public acceptance of tisane and tisane kombucha.
- UT - Biology [2159]