Observasi Kandungan Hara Daun, Tanah, dan Produksi Buah pada Beberapa Varietas Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis)
Data leaf sampling unit (LSU) dan soil sampling unit (SSU) telah dievaluasi
pada studi ini untuk mengetahui hubungan kedua data tersebut terhadap hasil kelapa
sawit pada beberapa varietas yang berbeda. Studi ini dilakukan melalui kegiatan
survei di lapangan dengan mengambil data serapan hara pada daun kelapa sawit,
seperti N, P, K, Mg, Ca, dan B melalui prosedur LSU. Data sifat fisik dan kimia
tanah seperti tekstur tanah, pH tanah, karbon, N, P, K, Ca, dan Mg diobservasi
melalui prosedur SSU. Dari pengumpulan data di lapangan diperoleh informasi
bahwa produktivitas sawit memiliki korelasi positif sebesar 70% terhadap unsur P,
1.39% unsur K, 20% unsur Mg, dan 80% unsur Ca. Produktivitas sawit memiliki
korelasi negatif sebesar 25% terhadap unsur N dan 70% unsur B pada daun. Tekstur
tanah didominasi oleh liat dan pasir kasar masing-masing sebesar 34-40%. Pada
kadar hara tanah, terdapat tren penurunan kadar hara pada tanah pada lapisan tanah
yang lebih dalam, dampak ini terutama sangat terlihat jelas pada ketersediaan unsur
hara fosfat (P). Peningkatan produktivitas kelapa sawit juga dipengaruhi oleh
peningkatan usia produktif tanaman. Leaf sampling unit (LSU) and soil sampling unit (SSU) data have been
evaluated in this study to determine the relationship between these two data on oil
palm yields in several different varieties. This study was carried out through survey
activities in the field by taking data on nutrient uptake in oil palm leaves, such as
N, P, K, Mg, Ca and B through the LSU procedure. Data on soil physical and
chemical properties such as soil texture, soil pH, carbon, N, P, K, Ca, and Mg were
observed using the SSU procedure. From data collection in the field, information
was obtained that palm oil productivity had a positive correlation of 70% with the
P element, 1.39% with the K element, 20% with the Mg element, and 80% with the
Ca element. Palm productivity has a negative correlation of 25% with the N element
and 70% with the B element in the leaves. Soil texture is dominated by clay and
coarse sand at 34-40% each. In soil nutrient levels, there is a trend of decreasing
nutrient levels in soil in deeper soil layers, this impact is especially clearly visible
in the availability of the nutrient element phosphate (P). Increasing oil palm
productivity is also influenced by increasing the productive age of the plant.