Deteksi Escherichia coli pada Daging Soto Ayam yang Dijual di Dalam Kampus Dramaga IPB University
Fahruzya, M. Rizky Eka
Lukman, Denny Widaya
Setiadi, Mohamad Agus
Show full item recordAbstract
Soto ayam merupakan masakan sup ayam Indonesia dengan kuah kuning yang terbuat dari kaldu ayam dan kunyit, serta bumbu lainnya. Hidangan ini terdiri atas potongan daging ayam yang dimasak, disajikan dalam mangkuk dengan tambahan lontong, tauge, kentang, telur rebus, bawang goreng, seledri, irisan jeruk nipis, dan pelengkap lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi jumlah bakteri Escherichia coli dan praktik higiene pada pedagang soto ayam yang dijual di dalam Kampus IPB, Dramaga. Sebanyak 30 sampel dikoleksi dari 10 pedagang soto ayam di dalam Kampus Dramaga IPB University. Pengambilan kuesioner terkait karakteristik pedagang soto ayam dan pengujian jumlah Escherichia coli dilakukan dalam penelitian ini dengan metode most probable number dan dikonfirmasi dengan uji IMViC serta pewarnaan Gram. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 70% (7/10) pedagang dengan jumlah sampel yang melebihi jumlah Escherichia coli > 3 MPN/g dalam pangan sebanyak 56,67% (17/30) tersebut teridentifikasi positif bakteri E. coli dengan jumlah rata-rata 8,84 ± 7,37 MPN/g. Keberadaan Escherichia coli pada soto ayam dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti lokasi penjualan, waktu penyuwiran, penyimpanan daging, dan penerapan higiene sanitasi yang kurang baik. Selain itu, karakteristik pedagang seperti tingkat pendidikan, lama berjualan, dan tingkat pengetahuan dalam pengolahan ayam yang kurang baik dari pedagang soto ayam di kantin Kampus Dramaga IPB University. Chicken noodle soup is an Indonesian chicken soup dish with a yellow broth made from chicken stock and turmeric, as well as other seasonings. The dish consists of pieces of cooked chicken, served in a bowl with additional lontong, bean sprouts, potatoes, boiled eggs, fried onions, celery, lime wedges, and other accompaniments. This study aims to identify the number of Escherichia coli bacteria and hygiene practices in chicken soup vendors sold inside IPB Campus, Dramaga. A total of 30 samples were collected from 10 chicken noodle soup sellers in Dramaga Campus of IPB University. Questionnaires related to the characteristics of chicken noodle soup sellers and Escherichia coli count testing were conducted in this study using the most probable number method and confirmed by IMViC test and Gram staining. The results showed that 70% (7/10) of traders with the number of samples exceeding the number of Escherichia coli > 3 MPN/g in food, 56,67% (17/30) were identified as positive for E. coli bacteria with an average number of 8,84 ± 7,37 MPN/g. The presence of Escherichia coli in chicken noodle soup is influenced by several factors such as the location of sales, the time of cleaning, meat storage, and the application of poor sanitary hygiene. In addition, the characteristics of traders such as level of education, length of time selling, and level of knowledge in processing chicken are not good from chicken noodle soup traders at the canteen of Dramaga Campus of IPB University.