Dimensi Ritmis Internal dalam Editing Company Profile Video Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Darat Kementerian Perhubungan RI
Instansi pemerintah berkewajiban menjalankan keterbukaan informasi sehingga
mencapai kesepahaman kepada publik. Keterbukaan informasi dapat berbentuk
media audio visual melalui company profile video. Direktorat Jenderal
Perhubungan Darat sebagai instansi pemerintah naungan Kementerian
Perhubungan RI membutuhkan company profile video karena sebelumnya hanya
memiliki video capaian hasil kerja. Penulisan laporan proyek akhir bertujuan untuk
menjalankan proses editing dan menerapkan dimensi ritmis internal dalam editing.
Metode penulisan terdiri atas observasi, partisipasi aktif, dan studi literatur.
Hasilnya, terdapat 11 tahapan proses editing yang dimulai dari menata footage
hingga finishing dan ekspor video sehingga informasi menjadi utuh. Editing video
menerapkan dimensi ritmis internal yang didalam setiap footage terdapat frame size,
gerak kamera, gerak subjek dan background music dengan memperhatikan timing
dan pacing sehingga menjadikan keseluruhan footage menampilkan momen yang
tepat. Government agencies have an obligation to carry out information disclosure to
achieve understanding with public. Information disclosure can take the form of
audio-visual media presented through a company profile video. The Directorate
General of Land Transportation, as a government agency under the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, requires a company profile video
because previously only had work achievement videos. The purpose of writing this
final project report is to carry out the editing process and applies the internal
rhythmic dimension in editing. The methods consists of observation, active
participation, and literature review. As a result, there are 11 stages of the editing
process, starting from organizing footage to finishing and exporting the video, this
process ensuring the cohesiveness of informations in video. Video editing applies
an internal rhythmic dimension where each footage includes frame size, camera
movement, subject movement, and background music by pay attention to timing
and pacing, thereby presenting right moments throughout the footage.