Efisiensi Produktivitas Ayam Petelur melalui Pendirian Kandang Semi Matic pada CV Johnson Farm Kabupaten Bandung
CV Johnson Farm merupakan peternakan ayam ras petelur yang memproduksi telur mencapai 10 ton perhari, namun belum mampu memenuhi permintaan konsumen. Perkembangan teknologi dalam sistem perkandangan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas ayam ras petelur. Penelitian ini menganalisis kelayakan dan efisiensi produktivitas ayam petelur menggunakan sistem kandang semi matic. Hasil analisis kelayakan dari aspek non finansial dan finansial dikatakan layak, dengan nilai NPV Rp; IRR 77%; Gross B/C 1,46; Net B/C 12,4; dan payback period 2,3. Analisis switching value menunjukkan penurunan volume produksi telur utuh sebesar 33,81% lebih sensitif dibandingkan peningkatan harga pakan layer sebesar 65,81%. Hasil analisis least cost method biaya kandang semi matic sebesar Rp 25.347.267.832 lebih menguntungkan karena memiliki biaya lebih rendah dibandingkan kandang konvensional sebesar Rp Analisis uji beda (independent t-test) menunjukkan ada perbedaan rata-rata pada indikator HDP, HHP, FCR, kepadatan kandang, dan jam kerja karyawan, namun tidak ada perbedaan pada indikator bobot telur dan mortalitas antara kedua kandang. CV Johnson Farm is a laying hens farm that produces up to 10 tons of eggs per day, but has not been able to meet consumer demand. Technological developments in housing systems can increase productivity in laying hens. This research analyzes the feasibility and productivity efficiency of laying hens using a semi matic system. The results of the feasibility analysis from non financial and financial aspects are said to be feasible, with an NPV value of IDR; IRR 77%; Gross B/C 1,46; Net B/C 12,4; and payback period 2,3. Switching value analysis shows that a decrease in whole egg production volume of 33,81% is more sensitive than an increase in layer feed prices of 65,81%. The results of the least cost method analysis cost a semi matic cage of IDR 25.347.267.832 which is more profitable because it has lower costs than a conventional cage of IDR Analysis of the Difference Test (independent t-test) showed that there were average differences in the indicators of hen day production, hen house production, feed convertion ratio, cage density, and employee working hours, but there were no differences in the indicators of egg weight and mortality between the two cages.