Sarcosporidiasis in slaughter animals
Sarcocystis which belong to the generally occuring parasites for they are found almost all over the countries of the world. Infection of Sarcocystis usually throught inges- tion of feces or flesh of infected animals. The pathogenesis of Sarcosporidiasis is considered as benign but when the Sarcocystis die in a host, sarcocystin or sarcosporidin is liberated thereby which lead to condemnation of meat in the abattoir. Besides condemnation of meat, Sarcocystis also causes: loss of appetite, anemia, lameness, weakness in the lion, diarrhea, fever, pyrexia, paralysis, emaciation, neuro logical disturbances, etc.
" Amprolium "at the rate of 100 mg/Kg body weight per
day has been practiced for prevention or to minimize Sarco-
sporidiasis. Treatment must be started during incubation
period. Shedding of Sarcocystis sporocysts in the feces of
carnivores is the key factor in the spread of Sarcocystis
infection. Therefore, control efforts must be based primarily on measures designed to break the cycle of Sarcocystis.