Analisis kapasitas infiltrasi dan hantaran hidrolik berbagai jenis tanah dengan vegetasi penutup teh dan karet pada PTPN VLII Perkebunan Panglejar, Kabupaten Bandung
Infiltration capacity and hydraulic conductivity are two i~nportailt parameters characteristing soil physics. Both par'metirs can help in pla~lnings oil and water management techniques. In this research, the determination of infiltration capacity and hydraulic conductivity was carried out in the field. Soil types in the researcl~ area were Andosol and Latosol under rubber and tea plantation at PTPN VIII Panglejar Pla~ltation,B andung. Result of infiltration ~neasurements howed that the infiltration capacity in loa~ny texture (Andosol) were higher than that in the clay texture (Latosol). Similar result were found under tea plantation, where infiltration capacity was higher than rubber plantation. The infiltration capacity was higher under vegetation with more coverage, lower crop height, and more litter. The coarsertexture the higher the infiltration. On the contrary, the heavier texture the lower the infiltration capacity. The result of saturated hydraulic conductivity measulement sl~owed that' the average value of saturated hydraulic conductivity in the Andosol (2.94 crnfhour) higher than Latosol (1.76 cmlhour). It was caused by soil texture different, especially fraction of fine clay and coarse sand. The vegetation factor that has influence on the value of saturated hydraulic conductivity, measured in the depth of 100 cm was roothing system. Rubber crops had deeper roothing system (seed bed size was 60x60~60c m) than tea crops root (seed bed size was 20x20~20 cm) showed higher the value of saturated hydraulic conductivity. Average value of hydraulic conductivity in the rubber plantation was 2.85 cmlhour whereas in tea plantation was 2.12 cmlhour. It is, showed that dense roots in the soil profile wili create more porous condition, so, that water easier flowing trough or therefore value of I~ydraulicc o~lductivityw as higher.