Potensi Adenostemma lavenia, A. madurense, dan A. platyphyllum sebagai Antimikroba: Pendekatan Metabolomik, In silico dan In vitro, serta Optimasi Ekstraksi
Nurlela, Nurlela
Batubara, Irmanida
Nurcholis, Waras
Ilmiawati, Auliya
Show full item recordAbstract
Adenostemma (legetan warak) secara tradisional digunakan sebagai ramuan obat
untuk mengobati penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri seperti radang paru-paru,
pneumonia, demam, hepatitis, inflamasi, luka pada kulit, dan gangguan kesehatan mulut.
Senyawa diterpenoid kaurena hasil isolasi A. lavenia mampu menginduksi ekspresi
protein antioksidan Heme Oxygenase (HO-1) melalui faktor transkripsi Nuclear Factor-E2-Related Factor 2 (NRF2) pada sel melanoma mencit yang diusulkan sebagai salah
satu target seluler bagi penyembuhan pasien Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Namun, belum ada penelitian mengenai potensi antimikroba dari Adenostemma. Maka,
fokus penelitian ini adalah mengkaji potensi antimikroba khususnya antivirus dan
antibakteri terhadap tiga spesies Adenostemma yang paling sering diteliti, yaitu A.
lavenia, A. madurense, dan A. platyphyllum melalui pendekatan metabolomik, in silico,
dan in vitro, serta optimasi ekstraksi. Penelitian ini dibagi dalam lima tahap, yaitu (1)
literature review mengenai genus Adenostemma, (2) evaluasi karakter morfologi,
fenolik, dan flavonoid pada tiga spesies Adenostemma (3) uji in silico antivirus COVID 19, (4) pemprofilan metabolit tiga spesies Adenostemma dengan pendekatan
metabolomik dan uji in silico antibakteri, (5) optimasi ekstraksi untuk mendapatkan
ekstrak teraktif antibakteri secara in vitro.
Kajian literatur mengenai genus Adenostemma menunjukkan bahwa A. lavenia, A.
madurense, dan A. platyphyllum merupakan spesies Adenostemma yang paling sering
diteliti dan dilaporkan. Beberapa laporan mengenai kandungan senyawa kimia dan
bioaktivitasnya telah dipublikasi seperti antioksidan, anti-inflamasi, antimelanogenesis,
dan antitumor, tetapi bioaktivitas lain seperti antimikroba belum pernah dilaporkan. A.
lavenia terdapat di beberapa provinsi di Indonesia, tetapi belum dibudidayakan secara
luas. A. madurense dan A. platyphyllum memiliki morfologi yang mirip dengan A.
lavenia, dilaporkan memiliki senyawa aktif berpotensi antibakteri. Hasil evaluasi
karakter morfologi mengungkapkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan ciri morfologi pada
ketiga spesies Adenostemma. Panjang dan lebar daun, tinggi tanaman dan jarak antar
nodus dapat digunakan sebagai kriteria seleksi penting untuk menentukan jenis
Adenostemma tinggi kandungan fenolik dan flavonoid. Senyawa fenolik dan flavonoid
merupakan metabolit sekunder yang memiliki potensi antimikroba. A. lavenia
mengandung total fenolik dan total flavonoid tertinggi. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan
dapat menjadi informasi yang bermanfaat untuk memperoleh sediaan biofarmaka
Adenostemma yang tinggi kandungan fenolik dan flavonoidnya, untuk dimanfaatkan
sebagai pangan fungsional dan obat herbal.
Pada kajian potensi senyawa-senyawa diterpenoid kaurena sebagai antivirus
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) melalui pendekatan
in silico menunjukkan bahwa senyawa diterpena kaurena glikosida dan
adenostemmoside B memiliki aktivitas penghambatan terbaik terhadap protein SARS CoV-2 dan lebih tinggi dibandingkan obat antivirus seperti remdesivir dan favipiravir.
Simulasi dinamika molekul menunjukkan hampir semua kompleks ligan-protein stabil.
Analisis ADMET menunjukkan semua diterpenoid kaurena diserap oleh usus manusia
dengan baik, nonkarsinogenik, dan tidak menyebabkan mutasi pada DNA. Hasil studi
ini dapat menjadi informasi awal untuk penelitian lebih lanjut dalam pengembangan
obat antivirus baru.
Penelitian selanjutnya, hasil analisis profil metabolit ketiga spesies Adenostemma
dengan pendekatan metabolomik menggunakan LC-MS/MS menunjukkan 35 metabolit
berhasil diidentifikasi secara putatif. Hampir semua senyawa tersebut pertama kali
dilaporkan terkandung dalam Adenostemma. Analisis kemometrik berhasil
mengelompokkan metabolit yang berbeda diantara ekstrak, yang menunjukkan variasi
kimia yang signifikan di tiap spesies. Uji in silico antibakteri menunjukkan bahwa asam
dikafeoilkuinat memiliki afinitas pengikatan terbaik terhadap Staphylococcus aureus
UDP-GlcNAc 2-epimerase, pektolinarigenin terhadap Escherichia coli UDP-3O-(3-
hidroksimiristoil)glukosamin-N-asiltransferase, dan eriodiktiol 7-O-soforosida
terhadap Pseudomonas aeruginosa pyochelin sintase PchD. Simulasi dinamika
molekuler menunjukkan bahwa semua kompleks ligan-protein stabil. Pektolinarigenin
dan eriodiktiol 7-O-soforosida (flavonoid) diidentifikasi memiliki persentase luas
puncak kromatogram tertinggi pada A. lavenia, sedangkan persentase luas puncak asam
dikafeoilkuinat (fenolik) tertinggi di A. platyphyllum. Hasil analisis profil metabolit
Adenostemma tidak menunjukkan adanya senyawa asam ent-6-11-dihidroksi-15-okso 16-kauren-19-oat β-D-glukopiranosil ester dan adenostemmosida B yang memiliki
potensi antivirus SARS-CoV-2. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian selanjutnya tidak
dilakukan uji in vitro antivirus. Hasil analisis profil dan in silico menjadi dasar untuk
optimasi ekstraksi guna memperoleh ekstrak teraktif antibakteri secara in vitro.
Pada tahap akhir, ekstraksi serbuk simplisia daun A. lavenia dan A. platyphyllum
menggunakan metode Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE) dan optimasi ekstraksi
menggunakan metode permukaan respon (Response Surface Methodology, RSM)
dengan desain eksperimen Box-Behnken Design. Didapatkan kondisi optimum ekstraksi
A. lavenia adalah pada konsentrasi etanol 75%, rasio simplisia terhadap pelarut 1:15,
dan waktu ekstraksi 3 menit. Kondisi optimum tersebut menghasilkan respon rendemen
15,89%, kandungan total fenolik 49,49 mg GAE/g ekstrak, kandungan total flavonoid
25,66 mg QE/g ekstrak, zona hambat terhadap S. aureus, E. coli, dan P. aeruginosa
berturut-turut, yaitu 7,01; 1,45; dan 2,52 mm. Kondisi optimum ekstraksi A.
platyphyllum adalah pada konsentrasi etanol 58%, rasio simplisia terhadap pelarut 1:7,
dan waktu ekstraksi 3 menit. Kondisi optimum tersebut menghasilkan respon rendemen
15,29%, kandungan total fenolik 42,84 mg GAE/g ekstrak, kandungan total flavonoid
28,82 mg QE/g ekstrak, zona hambat terhadap S. aureus, E. coli, dan P. aeruginosa
berturut-turut, yaitu 2,83; 1,62; dan 1,68 mm. Hasil verifikasi kondisi optimum yang
direkomendasikan menghasilkan respon yang sesuai prediksi dan metode yang
digunakan valid. Aktivitas antibakteri terbaik ditunjukkan oleh ekstrak A. lavenia
terhadap S. aureus, yaitu aktivitas sedang hingga kuat.
Hasil uji in vitro antibakteri tersebut sesuai dengan hasil prediksi in silico. Dengan
demikian, pendekatan metabolomik dan in silico mampu memprediksi bioaktivitas
antibakteri. Penelitian lebih lanjut perlu dikembangkan, diantaranya pengujian in silico
terhadap berbagai protein pada bakteri tersebut, dan melakukan isolasi senyawa target
pada Adenostemma untuk lebih menegaskan bioaktivitasnya. Adenostemma (known as legetan warak) is traditionally used as a herbal remedy
for diseases caused by bacteria, such as lung inflammation, pneumonia, fever, hepatitis,
inflammation, skin wounds, and oral health disorders. The isolated diterpenoid kaurene
compounds from Adenostemma lavenia have demonstrated the induction of Heme
Oxygenase (HO-1) antioxidant protein expression through the Nuclear Factor-E2-
Related Factor 2 (NRF2) transcription factor in mouse melanoma cells. This suggests
their potential as cellular targets for treating patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019
(COVID-19). However, there is limited research on the antimicrobial potential of
Adenostemma. Therefore, this study explored the antimicrobial potential, especially
antiviral and antibacterial properties, of three frequently studied Adenostemma species:
A. lavenia, A. madurense, and A. platyphyllum. This exploration employs metabolomic,
in silico, and in vitro approaches, along with extraction optimization. The research was
divided into five phases: (1) literature review on the genus Adenostemma, (2) evaluation
of morphological, phenolic, and flavonoid characteristics of the three Adenostemma
species, (3) in silico analysis for COVID-19 antiviral activity, (4) metabolite profiling
of the three Adenostemma species using metabolomic approaches and in silico
antibacterial analysis, and (5) extraction optimization for obtaining the most active
antibacterial extract in vitro.
A literature review on the genus Adenostemma revealed that A. lavenia, A.
madurense, and A. platyphyllum are the most studied and reported species. Some reports
on their chemical compounds and bioactivities, such as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory,
antimelanogenesis, and antitumor properties, have been published. However, their
antimicrobial bioactivity has not been reported. A. lavenia was found in several
provinces in Indonesia but has not been extensively cultivated. A. madurense and A.
platyphyllum, with morphological similarities to A. lavenia, were reported to contain
potentially antibacterial active compounds. Morphological character evaluation
exhibited differences among the three Adenostemma species. Leaf length and width,
plant height, and internodal distance were important selection criteria for determining
Adenostemma species with high phenolic and flavonoid content. Phenolic and flavonoid
compounds are secondary metabolites with antimicrobial potential. A. lavenia contains
the highest total phenolics and total flavonoids. The results of this research were
expected to be valuable information for obtaining Adenostemma biopharmaceutical
preparations with high phenolic and flavonoid content for use as a functional food and
herbal medicine.
The investigation into the potential of diterpenoid kaurene compounds as Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) antivirals through in silico
approaches showed that kaurene glycoside and adenostemmoside B had the best
inhibitory activity against the SARS-CoV-2 protein, surpassing established antiviral
drugs like remdesivir and favipiravir. Molecular dynamics simulations indicated the
stability of almost all ligand-protein complexes. ADMET analysis showed that all
kaurene diterpenoids are well-absorbed by the human intestine, non-carcinogenic, and
do not induce DNA mutations. These findings served as preliminary information for
further research in developing new antiviral drugs.
Subsequent research involved the analysis of metabolite profiles of the three
Adenostemma species using LC-MS/MS metabolomics. Based on these results, 35
putative metabolites were identified, many of which have not been previously reported
in Adenostemma species. Chemometric analysis revealed separate clusters for the three
species, confirming the substantial chemical differences between their extracts. In silico
antibacterial analysis showed that dicaffeoylquinic acid had the strongest binding for
Staphylococcus aureus UDP-GlcNAc 2-epimerase (PDB ID:5ENZ). Eriodictyol 7-O sophoroside and pectolinarigenin exhibited the best docking scores for Pseudomonas
aeruginosa pyochelin synthase PchD (PDB ID:7TYB) and Escherichia coli LpxD
acyltransferase (PDB ID:6P86) respectively. Molecular dynamics simulations revealed
that all ligand-protein complexes were stable. Pectolinarigenin and eriodictyol 7-O sophoroside (flavonoids) were identified with the highest peak area percentage in A.
lavenia, while caffeoylquinic acid (phenolics) has the highest peak area percentage in
A. platyphyllum. The profiling analysis did not show the presence of compounds such
as ent-6-11-dihydroxy-15-oxo-16-kauren-19-oic acid β-D-glucopyranosyl ester and
adenostemmoside B, which have potent SARS-CoV-2 antiviral properties. Therefore,
in vitro antiviral analysis was not carried out in the subsequent research. The profiling
and in silico analysis results served as a basis for extraction optimization to obtain the
most active antibacterial extracts in vitro.
In the final phase, powdered leaves of A. lavenia and A. platyphyllum was
extracted using microwave-assisted extraction (MAE), and extraction optimization was
performed using response surface methodology (RSM) with Box-Behnken design
experimental design. The optimal extraction conditions for A. lavenia were determined
to be 75% ethanol concentration, a 1:15 ratio of simplicia to solvent, and a 3-minute
extraction time. These conditions produced a yield of 15.89%, a total phenolic content
of 49.49 mg GAE/g extract, a total flavonoid content of 25.66 mg QE/g extract, and
inhibition zones against S. aureus, E. coli, and P. aeruginosa of 7.01, 1.45, and 2.52
mm, respectively. Meanwhile, the optimal extraction conditions for A. platyphyllum
were determined to be 58% ethanol concentration, a 1:7 ratio of simplicia to solvent,
and a 3-minute extraction time. These conditions produced a yield of 15.29%, a total
phenolic content of 42.84 mg GAE/g extract, a total flavonoid content of 28.82 mg QE/g
extract, and inhibition zones against S. aureus, E. coli, and P. aeruginosa of 2.83; 1.62;
and 1.68 mm, respectively. The verification of the recommended optimum conditions
showed that responses were consistent with predictions, validating the method used. The
A. lavenia extract demonstrated the best antibacterial activity against S. aureus
(moderate to strong activity).
The in vitro antibacterial results aligned with the in silico predictions,
demonstrating the predictive capability of metabolomics and in silico approaches for
antibacterial bioactivity. Further research is needed, including in silico analysis against
various proteins in these bacteria and the isolation of target compounds in Adenostemma
to confirm their bioactivity further.