Potensi Pengembangan Wisata Edukasi Kelola Sampah Anorganik Berbasis Masyarakat di Desa Cibanteng, Ciampea, Kabupaten Bogor
Permasalahan sampah di Indonesia masih belum kunjung selesai. Komposisi
sampah didominasi kedua sampah plastik dan bersumber dari rumah tangga. Peran
wisata edukasi sebagai sarana dalam mendorong dan mengedukasi masyarakat
dalam menjaga lingkungan, dapat menjadi salah satu upaya mengatasi
permasalahan tersebut. Desa Cibanteng, Kabupaten Bogor memiliki potensi
pengembangan wisata edukasi. Wisata edukasi sebagai upaya untuk keberlanjutan
green activity yang sudah dinisisasi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengidentifikasi
wisata green class dari sisi demand dan supply, menganalisis dampak sosial,
ekonomi, dan lingkungan, dan mengkaji potensi implementasi wisata green class.
Metode yang digunakan yaitu, analisis deskriptif, Contingent Valuation Method
(CVM), skala likert, dan literature review. Hasil penelitian terdapat kesesuiaan
antara supply dan demand untuk implementasi wisata edukasi green class, terdapat
gap harga wisata, dimana WTP pengunjung lebih rendah dibandingkan WTA
pengelola, WTP calon wisatawan uji coba lebih tinggi daripada WTP calon
wisatawan non uji coba. Dampak ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan eduwisata green
class memiliki dampak positif dari mulai penerimaan wisata, hingga sampah yang
terkelola, dan berpotensi berdampak pada keberlanjutan green activity di Desa
Cibanteng. Sehingga wisata edukasi green class berpotensi untuk
diimplementasikan di Desa Cibanteng. The waste problem in Indonesia is still not over. The composition of waste is
dominated by plastic waste and sourced from households. The role of educational
tourism are to encourage and educate the public in protecting the environment.
Cibanteng Village, Bogor Regency has the potential to develop educational tourism.
Educational tourism as an effort for sustainability green activity has been initialized
in this village. The purpose of this research are to identify tourism green class, to
analyze social, economic and environmental impacts, and to asses potential
implementation of green class tourism. The method used are descriptive analysis,
Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), Likert scale, and literature review. The
results of the study found a concordance between supply and demand for the
implementation of edutourism green class, where the WTP of visitors is lower than
the WTA of the manager. The WTP of prospective trial tourists is higher than the
WTP of prospective non-trial tourists. Economic, social and environmental impacts
of the edutourism green class have a positive impact starting from income
generating from tourism, waste reduction, and potential impact on sustainability of
green activity. Basically, edutourism green class has the potential to be
implemented in Cibanteng Village.