Hubungan Antara Keterdedahan Iklan Layanan Masyarakat Tentang Pemilu Presiden Dan Wakil Presiden 2009 Di Televisi Dengan Sikap Pemilih Pemula Di Pedesaan
Reformation which has been held in 1999, has brought so many changes in any aspect of life, including political life. One of them is election rule. People is not choosing partij anymore, but people. This changes need some kind of sosialization, whiches it was the part of communication. This paper is aimed to find out the correlation between expossure of public service advertisement about President and Vice President Election 2009 with young voters attitude in village. The result show that there’s no correlation between expossure of public service advertisement about President and Vice President Election 2009 with young voters attitude to President and Vice President Election 2009. There’s also no correlation between expossure of public service advertisement about President and Vice President Election 2009 with cognition and conation. But there’s a correlation between expossure of public service advertisement about President and Vice President Election 2009 with affection. There’s also correlation between frekuency of watching public service advertisement about President and Vice President Election 2009 with cognition and conation