Identifikasi dan Uji Kepekaan Bakteri Salmonella sp. pada Kuda (Equus caballus) Terhadap Beberapa Antibiotik.
Kuda memainkan peran yang semakin penting dalam kehidupan manusia.
Sistem pencernaan kuda mengandung berbagai jenis bakteri, seperti Salmonella
sp. , dan dianggap sebagai salah satu penyebab utama penyakit zoonosis. Tujuan
dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengisolasi dan mengidentifikasi bakteri
Salmonella sp. dalam tinja kuda, serta menguji sensitivitas bakteri Salmonella sp.
terhadap beberapa antibiotik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan terdiri dari koleksi
20 sampel, isolasi dan identifikasi bakteri, serta pengujian sensitivitas bakteri
terhadap antibiotik menggunakan metode difusi cakram atau metode Kirby Bauer.
Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan bahwa 9 isolat Salmonella sp. ditemukan dari 20
sampel tinja kuda. Hasil uji sensitivitas bakteri Salmonella terhadap antibiotik yang
digunakan menunjukkan bahwa 89% isolat sensitif terhadap gentamisin dan
kloramfenikol, 55% terhadap asam nalidiksik, 44% terhadap amoksisilin dan
oksitetrasiklin. Hasil intermediat ditemukan untuk beberapa jenis antibiotik seperti
amoksisilin (22%), oksitetrasiklin (11%), asam nalidiksik (22%), dan
kloramfenikol (11%), sedangkan Salmonella menunjukkan resistansi 100%
terhadap sefotaksim. Penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Salmonella sp. yang
terdeteksi dalam tinja kuda menunjukkan resistansi terhadap sefotaksim namun
masih sensitif terhadap amoksisilin, gentamisin, asam nalidiksik, oksitetrasiklin,
dan kloramfenikol. Horses play an increasingly important role in human life. The digestive
system of horses contains various types of bacteria, such as Salmonella sp. and is
considered one of the main causes of zoonotic diseases. The aim of this study was
to isolat and identify Salmonella sp. bacteria in horse feces, as well as to test the
sensitivity of Salmonella sp. bacteria to several antibiotics. The research method
used consisted of collecting 20 samples, isolating and identifying the bacteria, and
testing the sensitivity of the bacteria to antibiotics using the disk diffusion or Kirby
Bauer method. The identification results showed that 9 isolats of Salmonella sp.
were found out of 20 horse feces samples. The results of the bacterial sensitivity
test on horses to the antibiotics used showed that 89% of the isolats were sensitive
to gentamicin and chloramphenicol, 55% to nalidixic acid, 44% to amoxicillin and
oxytetracycline. Intermediate results were found for some types of antibiotics such
as amoxicillin (22%), oxytetracycline (11%), nalidixic acid (22%), and
chloramphenicol (11%), while Salmonella showed 100% resistance to cefotaxime.
This study can be concluded that Salmonella sp. detected in horse feces has shown
resistance to cefotaxime but is still sensitive to amoxicillin, gentamicin, nalidixic
acid, oxytetracycline, and chloramphenicol