Leukogram pada Anjing yang Diberi Sediaan Obat Anti Caplak Berbahan Aktif Sarolaner Dosis Tunggal.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari profil leukogram pada anjing yang diberi obat anticaplak berbahan aktif sarolaner dosis tunggal. Sebanyak 5 ekor anjing bercaplak, umur 1,5 sampai 4 tahun dengan berat badan antara 8 sampai 24,8 kg digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Anjing diberi obat anti caplak berbahan aktif sarolaner dengan dosis tunggal sebesar 2 mg/kg BB per-oral. Sampel darah diambil dari vena cephalica antibrachii sebelum diberikan sarolaner pada H0 (pretreatment), pada H+7 (7 hari post-treatment), dan pada H+30 (30 hari posttreatment) untuk dianalisis terhadap leukogram (jumlah total leukosit, neutrofil, limfosit, monosit, eosinofil, dan basofil). Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan nyata pada jumlah total dan diferensiasi leukosit (P>0,05). Pemberian obat anticaplak berbahan aktif sarolaner dengan dosis tunggal sebesar 2 mg/kg BB per-oral pada anjing bercaplak tidak memengaruhi jumlah total dan diferensiasi leukosit. The objective of this study was to study the number of total and differential leukocyte profiles of dogs received a single dose of tick repellant with sarolaner active ingredient. There are five ticked dogs used in this study. Tick repellants were given to the dogs with sarolaner active ingredient in a single dose of 2 mg/kg body weight orally. Blood samples were taken from the cephalic antebrachial vein. The samples were taken before being given a sarolaner (H0, pre-treatment), at H+7 (7days post-treatment) and H+30 (30 days post-treatment). The samples were analyzed for the number of total and differential leukocyte (neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, eosinophil, and basophil). The results showed that there was no significant differences in the number of total and differential leukocyte at H+7 and H+30 (P>0,05). The administration of sarolaner active ingredient in a single dose of 2 mg/kg body weight orally in ticked dogs did not affect the number of total and differential leukocytes on the 7th and 30th days after administration.