Permudaan Alam, Pola Penyebaran, dan Kondisi Habitat Jenis Pasang (Quercus sundaica Blume) di Gunung Slamet, Baturraden, Jawa Tengah
Pasang (Quercus sundaica) merupakan salah satu tanaman dari famili Fagaceae. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui struktur dan komposisi pohon, pola sebaran, permudaan jenis Q. sundaica, serta hubungan sifat fisik lingkungan dengan jenis pohon Q. sundaica. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada dua jalur yaitu Jalur KRB (Kebun Raya Baturraden) dan Jalur P7 (Pancuran 7) serta pada dua zona yaitu sub-montana dan montana. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis vegetasi, analisis tanah, serta model linear regresi berganda prosedur stepwise. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan 59 jenis tumbuhan, 29 famili, dan 48 marga. Nilai INP tertinggi jenis Q. sundaica terdapat pada Jalur KRB zona montana dan jalur tersebut memiliki kerapatan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan Jalur P7. Faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap keberadaan Q. sundaica yaitu kelembaban, pH, kapasitas tukar kation (KTK), P-potesial dan K-potensial. Permudaan alami jenis Q. sundaica memiliki nilai 0 yang menandakan pada tingkatan semai, pancang, dan tiang tidak ditemukan jenis tersebut kecuali pada tingkat pancang di zona montana Jalur P7. Pasang (Q. sundaica) is a plant from the Fagaceae family. The study was conducted to determine the structure and composition of trees, distribution patterns, regeneration of the Q. sundaica species, and the relationship between the physical properties of the environment and the Q. sundaica tree species. Data collection was carried out on two lines, namely KRB Line (Baturraden Botanical Gardens) and P7 Line (Pancuran 7) also in two zones, namely sub-montane and montana. Analysis of the data was used vegetation analysis, soil analysis, and multiple regression linear model stepwise procedure. The results showed that there were 59 species, 29 families, and 48 genera. The highest INP value for the species Q. sundaica was found in KRB Line on montana zone and that line also had a higher density than the P7 line. Factors that affect the presence of Q. sundaica were humidity, pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), P-potential, and K-potential. Natural regeneration of the species Q. sundaica had a value of 0 which indicates that at the seedling, sapling, and pole levels, this species was not found except at the sapling level of the montana zone on Line P7.
- UT - Silviculture [1366]