Studi Kasus Gallbladder Mucocele disertai Ehrlichiosis pada Anjing Beagle
Komplikasi gallbladder mucocele dan ehrlichiosis akibat infeksi bakteri Ehrlichia canis (E. canis) dapat menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan hingga kematian pada anjing. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui karakteristik gallbladder mucocele serta ehrlichiosis pada anjing melalui interpretasi ultrasonografi abdomen, hematologi, dan kimia darah serta studi terkait terapi yang diberikan. Seekor anjing beagle betina berumur ±15 tahun milik Rumah Sakit Hewan Pendidikan, Sekolah Kedokteran Hewan dan Biomedis, IPB University memiliki keluhan muntah frekuen, penurunan nafsu makan, dan lesu. Pemeriksaan fisik pada hewan menunjukkan bobot badan 6.8 kg, BCS 2/9, suhu tubuh 38 °C, dan dehidrasi dengan turgor kulit >3 detik. Sonogram abdomen menunjukkan adanya pembesaran gallbladder disertai adanya endapan sekitar 90 % dengan ekhogenitas hiperekoik. Pemeriksaan darah menunjukkan peningkatan nilai ALT 132 U/L, total protein 8.3 g/dL, anemia (eritrosit 2.68 x 106 µL), trombositopenia (trombosit 20 x 103 µL), leukopenia (leukosit 4.8 x 103 µL), limfopenia (limfosit 0.6 x 103 µL), dan kadar blood urea nitrogen yang tinggi (187 mg/dL). Evaluasi rapid test kit menunjukkan anjing positif terinfeksi E. Canis. Kombinasi terapi asam ursodeoxycholic, hepatoprotektan, antibiotik, suplemen darah, dan vitamin diberikan selama 2 bulan. Evaluasi sonogram dan darah dilakukan setiap 4 minggu. Kondisi anjing sempat menunjukkan adanya perbaikan, namun akhirnya pasien tidak bertahan dan mati Complications of gallbladder mucocele and ehrlichiosis due to bacterial infection Ehrlichia canis (E. canis) can cause health problems and even death in dogs. This study aims to determine the characteristics of gallbladder mucocele and ehrlichiosis in dogs through the interpretation of abdominal ultrasonography, hematological, blood chemistry and studies related to the therapy given. A female beagle dog aged ± 15 years belonging to the Teaching Animal Hospital, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical, IPB University has complaints of frequent vomiting, decreased appetite, and lethargy. Physical examination of the animals showed body weight of 6.8 kg, BCS 2/9, body temperature 38 °C, and dehydration with skin turgor >3 seconds. Abdominal sonogram showed an enlarged gallbladder with approximately 90% deposition with hyperechoic echogenicity. Blood examination showed an increase in ALT value of 132 U/L, total protein 8.3 g/dL, anemia (erythrocytes 2.68 x 106 µL), thrombocytopenia (platelets 20 x 103 µL), leukopenia (leukocytes 4.8 x 103 µL), lymphopenia (lymphocytes 0.6 x 103 µL), and high blood urea nitrogen levels (187 mg/dL). Evaluation of the rapid test kit showed the dog was positive for E. canis infection. Combination therapy with ursodeoxycholic acid, hepatoprotectants, antibiotics, blood supplements, and vitamins was given for 2 months. Sonogram and blood evaluation were performed every 4 weeks. The dog's condition had shown improvement, but in the end the patient did not survive and died.