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dc.contributor.advisorAlimuddin, Alimuddin
dc.contributor.advisorArfah, Harton
dc.contributor.authorNovella, Putri
dc.description.abstractIkan lele (Clarias sp.) merupakan salah satu ikan komoditas budidaya unggulan di Indonesia. Clarias sp. memiliki beberapa strain lain, diantaranya Sangkuriang, Dumbo, Paiton, Masamo, Sukhoi, Burma, Mesir, Kenya, Thailand, Belanda, dan Mutiara. Ikan lele Sangkuriang memiliki marka single nucleotide polymorphism 2 (SNP2) gen lisozim C (lysc) yang diduga memiliki keterkaitan dengan resintansi benih ikan lele terhadap infeksi Aeromonas hydrophila. Ikan lele Belanda memiliki pertumbuhan yang lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan populasi ikan lele strain lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengindentifikasi hasil sekuensing DNA lysc ikan lele Belanda, dan membandingkan genotipe SNP2 ikan lele Belanda dan Sangkuriang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara mengambil sirip ikan lele Belanda dan Sangkuriang untuk analisis genotipe menggunakan metode polymerase chain reaction (PCR). DNA diekstraksi dari sirip ekor ikan lele, dijadikan sebagai cetakan dalam amplifikasi PCR, dan selanjutnya produk PCR ikan lele Belanda dikirim ke perusahaan 1st Base Laboratory untuk mendapatkan urutan basa nukleotida gen lysc. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa marka SNP2 gen lysc ikan lele Belanda hanya memiliki genotipe TT yang berlokasi di intron 2. Sekuens DNA lysc ikan lele Belanda memiliki kekerabatan yang dekat dengan ikan lele
dc.description.abstractCatfish (Clarias sp.) is one of the leading aquaculture commodity fish in Indonesia. Clarias sp. has several other strains, including Sangkuriang, Dumbo, Paiton, Masamo, Sukhoi, Burmese, Egyptian, Kenyan, Thai, Dutch, and Mutiara. Sangkuriang catfish has a single nucleotide polymorphism 2 (SNP2) lysozyme C gene (lysc) which is thought to have a relationship with catfish seed resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila infection. Dutch catfish has a faster growth compared to other strains of catfish populations. This study aimed to identify the results of DNA lysc sequencing of Dutch catfish, and to compare the SNP2 genotypes of Dutch catfish and Sangkuriang. This research was conducted by taking the fins of Dutch catfish and Sangkuriang for genotype analysis using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. DNA was extracted from the tail fin of catfish, used as concrete in PCR amplification, and then the Dutch catfish PCR product was sent to the company 1st Base Laboratory to obtain the nucleotide base sequence of the lysc gene. The results showed that the SNP2 marker of the Dutch catfish lysc gene only had the TT genotype located in intron 2. The Dutch catfish lysc DNA sequence was closely related to Sangkuriang
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleIdentifikasi Marka Lisozim C dan Perbandingan Sekuen Gen Lisozim Ikan Lele Belanda dan Sangkuriangid
dc.title.alternativeIdentification of Lysozyme C Markers and Comparison of Lysozyme Gene Sequences of Dutch Catfish and Sangkuriangid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordDutch catfishid

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