Karakteristik Hutan Rakyat di Desa Sukajaya Kecamatan Pabuaran Kabupaten Sukabumi
Perencanaan pengelolaan hutan rakyat yang baik dan lestari membutuhkan pemahaman tentang informasi terkait karakteristik dan struktur tegakan hutan rakyat. Struktur tegakan yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini yaitu struktur tegakan horizontal. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Sukajaya Kecamatan Pabuaran Kabupaten Sukabumi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang karakteristik hutan rakyat di Desa Sukajaya berdasarkan karakteristik tegakan, karakteristik petani, komposisi jenis, dan struktur tegakan. Data yang diambil dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari hasil pengukuran langsung terhadap tegakan dan hasil wawancara terhadap 15 responden petani pemilik lahan. Hutan Rakyat Desa Sukajaya menerapkan pola tanam campuran dengan pengaturan jarak tanam. Jenis pohon yang mendominasi lahan dari 15 responden petani hutan rakyat tersebut yaitu jenis mahoni (Swietenia mahagoni), sengon (Paraserianthes moluccana) dan kayu afrika (Maesopsis eminii). Struktur tegakan horizontal Hutan rakyat Desa Sukajaya menyerupai bentuk kurva huruf J terbalik, dimana hubungan antara jumlah pohon per hektar (y) dengan nilai tengah kelas diameter (x) dari gabungan 15 responden petani hutan rakyat dinyatakan dengan persamaan : y = 4.305,39e-0,16x. Secara umum, tegakan gabungan mengindikasikan bahwa tegakan didominasi oleh pohon-pohon berdiameter kecil (diameter < 25 cm), sedangkan keberadaan pohon-pohon berdiameter besar, sedikit. Good and sustainable community forest management planning requires an understanding of information related to the characteristics and structure of community forest stands. The stand structure referred to in this research is the horizontal stand structure. This research was conducted in the Village of Sukajaya Sub-District Pabuaran Sukabumi. This research aims to obtain an overview of the characteristics of community forests in the Village of Sukajaya based on stand characteristics, species composition, and stand structure. The data taken in this research were obtained from the results of direct measurement of the stands and the results of interviews with 15 respondents from landowners. Village of Sukajaya community forest applies a polyculture cropping pattern with spacing arrangements. The types of trees that dominate the land 15 community forest farmer respondents are mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni), silk tree (Paraserianthes moluccana), and African wood (Maesopsis eminii). The horizontal stand structure of the Village of Sukajaya community forest resembles the shape of an inverted J curve, where the relationship between the number of trees per hectare (y) and the mean diameter class (x) of a combination of 15 community forest farmer respondents is expressed by the equation : y = 4.305,39e-0,16x. In general, the combined stands indicated that the stands were dominated by small-diameter trees (< 25 cm diameter), while the presence of large diameter trees was few.
- UT - Forest Management [3068]