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dc.contributor.advisorPurwanto, Aris
dc.contributor.authorHarvin, Bangkit
dc.description.abstractCabai merah besar merupakan komoditas yang mudah rusak dan umumnya dijual segar. Belum sempurna nya penerapan Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) dan Good Handling Practices (GHP) membuat cabai banyak mengalami penurunan kualitas di sepanjang rantai pasok sampai ke pasar. Penggunaan pestisida secara intensif mengakibatkan tingginya residu pestisida pada cabai yang berpotensi menimbulkan masalah keamanan pangan. Salah satu teknologi yang digunakan untuk menurunkan residu pestisida dan memperpanjang umur simpan adalah Ozon Fine bubble. Fine bubble merupakan gelembung kecil berdiameter kurang dari 100 μm. Pembuatan ozon fine bubble dilakukan dengan prinsip menginjeksikan gas ozon ke dalam air. Penelitian ini menggunakan Cabai merah besar (Capsicum annuum l.). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menerapkan teknologi ozon fine bubble untuk mengurangi residu pestisida dan memperpanjang masa penyimpanan. Media pencucian yang digunakan yaitu ozonated fine bubble water 1 ppm, gas ozon 0.9 ppm, dan fine bubble water 8 ppm. Parameter yang diamati adalah residu pestisida sebelum dan sesudah pencucian, dan masa simpan cabai setelah pencucian. Cabai yang dicuci menggunakan ozon fine bubble memiliki penurunan residu pestisida profenofos sebesar 64.4%. Pencucian dengan water fine bubble 8 ppm, dan gas ozon 0.9 ppm masing-masing menghasilkan penurunan residu pestisida sebesar 53.44% dan 52.23%. Pencucian dengan ozon fine bubble 1 ppm mampu menurunkan total padatan terlarut dengan signifikan. Cabai yang diberi perlakuan ozon fine bubble 1 ppm dapat bertahan sampai 27 hari setelah
dc.description.abstractBig red chili is a perishable commodity and is generally sold fresh. The imperfect implementation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Handling Practices (GHP) has made chilies experience a lot of quality decline along the supply chain to the market. Intensive use of pesticides results in high pesticide residues in chilies which have the potential to cause food safety problems. One of the technologies used to reduce pesticide residues and extend shelf life is Ozone Fine bubble. Fine bubbles are small bubbles with a diameter less than 100 μm. Fine bubble ozone is made by injecting ozone gas into the water. This study used large red chili (Capsicum annuum l.). The aim of the research is to apply fine bubble ozone technology to reduce pesticide residues and extend the storage period. The washing media used were ozonated fine bubble water of 1 ppm, ozone gas of 0.9 ppm, and fine bubble water of 8 ppm. The parameters observed were pesticide residues before and after washing, and the shelf life of chili after washing. Chili that was washed using fine bubble ozone had a decrease in profenofos pesticide residue by 64.4%. Washing with 8 ppm fine bubble water and 0.9 ppm ozone gas resulted in a decrease in pesticide residues of 53.44% and 52.23%, respectively. Washing with 1 ppm fine bubble ozone was able to significantly reduce the total dissolved solids. Chili treated with ozone fine bubble 1 ppm can last up to 27 days after
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAplikasi Teknologi Ozon Fine Bubble Pada Proses Pencucian Cabai (Capsicum Annuum L.) Untuk Mengurangi Residu Pestisida Dan Memperpanjang Masa Simpanid
dc.title.alternativeApplication of Fine Bubble Ozone Technology in Chili (Capsicum Annuum L.) Washing Process To Reduce Pesticide Residues And Extend Shelf Lifeid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordresidue pesticideid

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