Perubahan Gambaran Histopatologi Organ Hati, Ginjal, dan Limpa Mencit (Mus musculus) setelah Penyuntikan Human- Platelet Rich Plasma
Widiana, Dela Novitri
Subangkit, Mawar
Boediono, Arief
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Terapi sel berbasis sel manusia di Indonesia memiliki potensi yang tinggi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan unmet medical need. Sel berbasis manusia hanya bisa diujicobakan kepada manusia apabila mampu melewati uji praklinik, dimana sediaan yang diuji harus aman bagi hewan coba. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui pengaruh Human-Platelet Rich plasma terhadap jaringan mencit melalui analisa histopatologi organ hati, ginjal, dan limpa. Sepuluh ekor mencit jantan strain DDY berumur 8 minggu dibagi ke dalam 2 kelompok. Sebanyak 5 ekor mencit diinjeksi dengan human-PRP dengan dosis 4.1 × 10& sel/ gram BB, dan 5 ekor mencit diinjeksi dengan normal saline. Mencit dipelihara selama 14 hari, kemudian dinekropsi dan diambil organ hati, ginjal, dan limpa. Organ dibuat menjadi preparat histopatologi dengan pewarnaan HE. Hasil penelitian yaitu PRP menyebabkan jumlah sel Kupffer menjadi lebih sedikit, hepatosit tidak mengalami piknosis dan sitoplasma menjadi lebih basa, penyempitan ruang bowman ginjal, dan limpa didominasi oleh splenosit immature. Penyuntikan human-PRP tidak menimbulkan efek toksik bagi organ hati, ginjal, dan limpa. Human based cell therapy has a high potential to comply the unmet medical need in Indonesia. Human based cell can only be tested on human only if it has passed the preclinical trial, where the substance is proven to be safe for the animal model. This study aims to find out the effects of human-platelet rich plasma on mice tissue through the analysis of liver, kidney, and spleen histopathology. Ten male DDY strain mice aged 8 weeks were divided into two equal groups. Five mice were injected with human-PRP with 4.1 × 10& cells/ gram weight dose, while the other five were injected with normal saline. Mice were necropsied on the 14th day with the liver, kidney, and spleen collected. The organs were made into histopathology slide and stained with HE under the same condition. The results are reduced numbers of Kupffer cells, non-pyknotic nuclei and alkalized cytoplasm of hepatocyte, narrowed Bowman’s space, and domination of immature splenocytes. These results shows that human-PRP injection had no toxic effects on liver, kidney, and spleen.