Struktur Anatomi dan Sifat Daktilitas 25 Jenis Kayu Perdagangan Indonesia
Kayu perdagangan memiliki hubungan yang erat terkait pemanfaatannya
sebagai material struktural dan non-struktural karena sifat dasar kayu. Penelitian ini
bertujuan menganalisis karakteristik 25 jenis kayu perdagangan berdasarkan
parameter sifat anatomi sel pori, sifat fisis dan sifat mekanis tekan sejajar serat serta
sifat daktilitas kayu. Kayu dikelompokkan ke dalam kelas kuat IV, III dan II
berdasarkan nilai berat jenis. Evaluasi sifat anatomi berdasarkan kategori ukuran
sel pori. Evaluasi sifat fisis dilakukan terhadap kadar air dan berat jenis. Sifat
mekanis dievaluasi terhadap nilai kuat tekan sejajar serat (maximum crushing
strength) dan modulus elastisitas serta sifat daktilitas berdasarkan metode
Karacabeyli dan Ceccotti, CSIRO Ausralia dan EN. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
nilai rata-rata sel pori dikategorikan sel pori sedang dan besar dengan masingmasing nilai sebesar 117.43-199.09 dan 212.53-356.06 µm. Nilai rataan kadar air
dan berat jenis masing-masing berada pada kisaran 10.50-17.88 % dan 0.25-0.79.
Sedangkan, nilai MCS, modulus elastisitas dan daktilitas masing-masing berada
pada kisaran 20.49-74.18 MPa, 6506-24553 MPa dan 1.22-7.85. Hubungan regresi
rendah antara sel pori dengan berat jenis. Bentuk kerusakan yang dominan adalah
jenis kerusakan shearing dan crushing. Nilai daktilitas yang dihasilkan metode EN
lebih rendah 1.5 kali dibandingkan dengan metode Karacabeyli & Coccetti dan
CSIRO Australia. Commercial wood has a close relationship with its use as a structural and nonstructural material due to the wood nature. This objective research was to analyze
the characteristics of 25 commercial wood species based on the parameters of the
vessel cell of anatomical, physical, and mechanical properties of compression
parallel to grain and ductility. The wood was grouped into strength classes IV, III
and II based on its specific gravity value. Anatomical properties evaluation was
conducted to categorize the vessel cell size. Physical properties measured were
moisture content and specific gravity. Mechanical properties e.g., the maximum
crushing strength (MCS), modulus of elasticity, and ductility were analized based
on the methods following the Karacabeyli and Ceccotti, CSIRO Ausralia and EN
methods. The results showed that the average value of vessel cells were categorized
as medium (117.43-199.09 μm) and large pore cells (212.53-356.06 μm). The
moisture content and specific gravity average values ranges are 10.50-17.88% and
0.25-0.79 respectively. Meanwhile, the MCS, modulus of elasticity, and ductility
ranged from 20.49-74.18 MPa, 6506-24553 MPa and 1.22-7.85, respectively. There
was a weak regression relationship between vessel cells diameter and specific
gravity. The dominant types of failures in compression were shearing and crushing.
The ductility values produced by the EN method was 1.5 times lower than that of
the Karacabeyli & Coccetti and CSIRO Australia methods.
- UT - Forestry Products [2386]