Pengaruh Media Tanam dan Intensitas Naungan terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Api-Api (Avicennia alba)
Hutan mangrove merupakan ekosistem yang berada di daerah pasang surut di wilayah pesisir, pantai, dan pulau-pulau kecil. Luas hutan mangrove semakin berkurang akibat konversi hutan mangrove menjadi tambak, perkebunan, dan eksploitasi kayu. Kegiatan rehabilitasi ekosistem mangrove perlu dilakukan melalui penanaman. Avicennia alba merupakan jenis mangrove pionir yang tumbuh pada habitat rawa mangrove di lokasi pantai yang terlindung, juga di bagian yang lebih asin di sepanjang garis pantai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh media tanam dan intensitas naungan terhadap pertumbuhan bibit Api-Api (Avicennia alba). Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan percobaan dua faktor dalam rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Faktor pertama yaitu media tanam dan faktor kedua adalah intensitas naungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor intensitas naungan paling mempengaruhi pertumbuhan bibit Avicennia alba. Variabel yang terpengaruhi antara lain tinggi, diameter, jumlah daun, berat basah total (BBT), dan berat kering total (BKT). Kombinasi perlakuan yang memberikan hasil terbaik adalah A2N0, yaitu media tanam berupa campuran antara lumpur, pasir, dan kompos serta tanpa diberi naungan (naungan 0%). Mangrove forests are ecosystems located in tidal areas in coastal areas, beaches, and small islands. The area of mangrove forests is decreasing due to the conversion of mangrove forests into fishponds, plantations, and timber exploitation. Mangrove ecosystem rehabilitation activities need to be carried out through planting. Avicennia alba is a pioneer mangrove species that grows in mangrove swamp habitats on sheltered coastal locations, as well as in the saltier parts of the coastline. The objectives of this research is to analyze the effect of planting media and shade intensity on the seedling growth of Avicennia alba. The study used a two-factor experimental design in a complete randomized design. The first factor is planting media and the second one in shade intensity. The results showed that the shading intensity most influenced the growth of Avicennia alba seedlings. The variables affected include height, diameter, number of leaves, total wet weight (BBT), and total dry weight (BKT). The treatment combination that gave the best results was A2N0, that means the planting medium in the form of a mixture of mud, sand and compost and without shade (0% shade).
- UT - Silviculture [1361]