Pengaruh Kotoran Domba dan Dekomposer B8 terhadap Kualitas Kompos
Bahan organik mempengaruhi sifat fisik, kimia, dan biologi tanah, sehingga dapat menjaga fungsi tanah sebagai media pertumbuhan tanaman. Jerami padi, brangkasan jagung dan batang pisang merupakan limbah pertanian yang potensial untuk dijadikan bahan utama pembuatan kompos. Kualitas bahan kompos menentukan laju dekomposisi bahan kompos. Dalam proses pengomposan sering ditambahkan dekomposer, sebagai agen untuk mempercepat proses dekomposisi. Tujuan percobaan pengomposan ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh kotoran domba dan pengurai B8 terhadap kualitas kompos dari jerami padi, brangkasan jagung, dan batang pisang. Percobaan dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Cikabayan IPB, Dramaga Bogor. Proses pengomposan dilakukan secara aerob. Seberat 15 kg bahan campuran jerami padi, brangkasan jagung dan batang pisang dengan perbandingan 2:2:1 digunakan untuk bahan utama pengomposan untuk setiap satuan percobaan. Perlakuan percobaan pengomposan meliputi kontrol (tanpa kotoran domba dan B8), standar (ditambah 3 kg kotoran domba, tanpa B8), D1 (tanpa kotoran domba, ditambah B8 25 ml), D2 (tanpa kotoran domba, ditambah B8 50 ml), DoD1 (ditambah 3 kg kotoran domba dan B8 25 ml), dan DoD2 (ditambah 3 kg kotoran domba dan B8 50 ml). Semua perlakuan ditambahkan 300 g urea, dibasahi, dibalik dan diaduk setiap 3 minggu. Tumpukan kompos dipertahankan lembabannya selama proses pengomposan. Pengamatan suhu kompos dilakukan setiap minggu mulai minggu ke-1 hingga minggu ke-12 dengan menancapkan termometer kompos ke dalam tumpukan kompos. Pengambilan contoh kompos dilakukan pada 0, 4, 8, dan 12 minggu pengomposan. Uji kualitas kompos didasarkan pada sifat kimiawi kompos yang meliputi kadar C-organik, N, dan S. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan kotoran domba dan dekomposer B8 berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar N, kadar S, nisbah C/N dan C/S, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar C organik. Kualitas kompos terbaik ditemukan pada perlakuan DoD2 dengan nilai C-organik 29,9%, kadar N 1,9%, kadar S 1,2%, nisbah C/N 16,1, dan nisbah C/S 24,7, meskipun secara statistik perlakuan DoD2 dan DoD1 tidak berbeda nyata. Kata kunci : Nisbah C/N, dekomposisi, unsur hara, kompos Organic matter affects the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil, therefore it can maintain soil function as a medium for plant growth. Rice straw, corn stover and banana stalks are potential agricultural waste to be used as the main material for composting. The quality of the compost material determines the rate of decomposition of the compost material. In the composting process, a decomposer is often added, as an agent to speed up the decomposition process. The purpose of this composting trial was to study the effect of sheep dung and decomposer B8 on the quality of compost from rice straw, corn stover, and banana stalks. The trial was carried out at the Cikabayan Experimental Station IPB, Dramaga Bogor. The composting process is carried out aerobically. A mixture of 15 kg of rice straw, corn stalk and banana stalks with a ratio of 2: 2: 1 is used for the main composting material for each trial unit. The trial treatments were Control (without sheep dung and B8), Standard (added 3kg sheep dung, without B8), D1 (without sheep dung but added B8 25 ml), D2 (without sheep dung but added B8 50 ml) , DoD1 (added 3 kg sheep dung and B8 25 ml), and DoD2 (added 3 kg sheep dung and B8 50 ml). All treatments were added with 300 g urea and moistened with 7.5 l water for the first, and reversed and stirred every 3 weeks. The compost pile is kept moist during the composting process. Compost temperature observations are carried out every week from week 1 to 12 by inserting the compost thermometer in the compost pile. Compost sampling was carried out at 0, 4, 8, and 12 weeks of composting. The compost quality test is based on the chemical properties of compost which includes levels of C-organic, N, and S. The trial results showed that the treatment of sheep dung and decomposer B8 had a significant effect on N content, S content, ratio of C/N and C/S, but had no significant effect on organic C levels. The best quality compost was found in the DoD2 treatment with a C-organic value of 29,9%, an N content of 1,9%, an S content of 1,2%, a C/N ratio of 16,1, and a C/S ratio of 24,7, however statistically the DoD2 and DoD1 treatments were not significantly different. Key words: C/N ratio, decomposition, nutrients, compost