Pemberdayaan Pengusaha Mikro Konveksi di Kelurahan Purwoharjo Kecamatan Comal Kabupaten Pemalang
Small industry have been playing the important role in national economics. In the economics crisis , micro and small enterprises have proven that its could more survive compared to a big and middle enterprises. Its could become the way of equitability of people prosperity through creating employment and investment Problems faced by all micro entrepreneur of convection are capital problem, access to the raw material, access of the technology, networking, marketing and human resources. The other problem is how to compile design of strategy and program the micro enterprises of convection development participatively. This research objectives are identify the micro enterprises of convection problems in the case of capital, access to the raw material, access the technology, networking, marketing and human resources. Compiling strategy design and program of the micro enterpreneurs of convection development participatively. The Community Development Research executed in three phase, there are social mapping, evaluate the program and community development research with the focus of study is designing the strategy and program of the micro entrepreneur of convection empowerment in improving his powered. Research method used is qualitative method. Technique of qualitative data collecting used are observation, in depth interview and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Problems identified with the descriptive analysis and determined by a priority problem, strategy device is analyzed with the SWOT analysis, program compilation executed with the micro entrepreneurs of convection community in FGD forum by using descriptive analysis. Result of the research indicate that the micro entrepreneurs of convection empowerment program conducted for to overcome the problems faced by all of micro entrepreneurs through business environmental analysis ( internal and external). The Empowerment Program conducted by (1) Revitalization of KPPJ, (2) Partnership with the clothes merchant, and (3) Participative Training
- MT - Professional Master [887]