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dc.contributor.advisorWidayati, Kanthi Arum-
dc.contributor.advisorMubarik, Nisa Rachmania-
dc.contributor.authorNofiana, Gina-
dc.description.abstractZoonoses can be transmitted from animals to humans in several ways, either direct contact with sick animals or indirect contact through vectors, one of the zoonoses vectors is sick animal feces. The most disease problems found in primates are gastrointestinal disorders characterized by symptoms of diarrhea, and one of the causes is enteropathogenic bacteria.Thus in order to avoid transmission to humans, it is necessary to know the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of M. fascicularis which preserved by isolating bacteria from feces.M.fascicularis fecal samples consisted of E. coli, which evidenced by the presence of purple-dark colonies, with or without metallic green sheen on the medium of Eosin Methylene Blue Agar. The positive results of Salmonella spp. bacteria is shown by the presence of colorless colonies with centre dark due to H2S production.The results all of three M. fascicularis that showed positive of Salmonella spp. and E.colididn’t reveal symptoms of gastrointestinal
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural Universityid
dc.subject.ddcBogor-Jawa Baratid
dc.titleIsolation of Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. from Feces of Long-Tailed Macaques (Macacafascicularis).id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordanimal fecesid
dc.subject.keywordEscherichia coliid
dc.subject.keywordSalmonella sppid
dc.subject.keywordtotal plate countid
Appears in Collections:UT - Biology

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