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Title: Teknik Editing dalam Produksi Iklan Video Promosi Sterne Travel
Other Titles: Editing Techniques in the Production of Promotional Video Advertisements at Sterne Travel
Authors: Burhanuddin
Ulya, Enden Darjatul
adha, Raihan
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Editor berperan tidak hanya menghubungkan gambar, tetapi juga melibatkan penyajian cerita dengan memanfaatkan elemen visual dan audio. Editor perlu memiliki pemahaman yang mendalam untuk menyunting, memodifikasi, dan menambahkan elemen video, serta menjaga kesinambungan visual dengan naskah. Penerapan teknik editing video dalam produksi iklan berpengaruh besar terhadap visualisasi dan pesan yang disampaikan. Editing yang baik akan menghasilkan iklan yang efektif untuk memengaruhi dan menarik perhatian penonton. Proyek akhir ini bertujuan untuk melakukan proses editing dan mengimplementasikan teknik editing yang digunakan dalam produksi iklan video promosi Sterne Travel. Proyek akhir dilaksanakan dari bulan Februari hingga April 2024 di Ruko 10 Victoria Hill, Bogor Barat, Kota Bogor. Tahapan proses editing video meliputi foldering, offline editing, online editing, mixing, hingga rendering project. Penerapan teknik editing iklan video promosi Sterne Travel menyesuaikan naskah atau shot list yang disusun saat pra produksi, teknik tersebut terdiri dari teknik continuity editing, teknik transisi, teknik super impose, teknik pewarnaan dan teknik pengeditan audio.
The editor's role is not just to connect images, but also to present the story using visual and audio elements. Editors must have a deep understanding of editing, modifying, and adding video elements, as well as maintaining visual continuity with the script. The application of video editing techniques in advertising production has a big influence on the visualization and message conveyed. Good editing will produce advertisements that are effective in influencing and attracting the audience's attention. This final assignment aims to carry out the editing process and apply the editing techniques used in the production of Sterne Travel promotional video advertisements. This final assignment will be carried out from February to April 2024 at Ruko 10 Victoria Hill, West Bogor, Bogor City. The stages of the video editing process include foldering, offline editing, online editing, mixing, and project rendering. The application of Sterne Travel promotional video advertising editing techniques adapts to the script or shot list prepared during pre-production, these techniques consist of continuity editing techniques, transition techniques, super impose techniques, coloring techniques and audio editing techniques.
Appears in Collections:UT - Digital Communication and Media

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