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Title: Stabilitas Agregat dan Kekuatan Geser Tanah pada Podsolik dan Latosol Akibat Aplikasi Limbah Ekstraksi Bromelain
Other Titles: Soil Shear Strength and Aggregate Stability in Podsolic and Latosol due to Bromelain Extraction Waste Application
Authors: Purwakusuma, Wahyu
Yusuf, Sri Malahayati
Rachmani, Alfina Rizki
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Praktik pengolahan tanah yang intensif, terutama jika dikaitkan dengan tanaman perkebunan tahunan berumur panjang seperti nanas, dapat menyebabkan penurunan kandungan bahan organik tanah yang sejalan dengan penurunan produktivitas tanaman. PT Great Giant Pineapple Plantation mengalami penurunan produktivitas sejak 2018, yang disebabkan oleh rendahnya kandungan bahan organik dan pemadatan tanah. Sementara itu, inkorporasi bahan organik ke dalam tanah seringkali mengalami kendala karena residence time yang relatif singkat. Aplikasi limbah ekstraksi bromelain sebagai sumber bahan organik yang resisten diharapkan dapat menjawab permasalahan tersebut. Serangkaian percobaan yang terdiri dari 0, 20, 40, 60, dan 80 ton ha-1 limbah ekstraksi bromelain telah dilakukan untuk menunjukkan pengaruhnya dalam memperbaiki sifat fisik tanah. Parameter yang diamati adalah stabilitas agregat, kuat geser, dan sensitivitas tanah. Aplikasi limbah ekstraksi bromelain pada bulan kelima menunjukkan agregasi partikel tanah yang lebih stabil. Agregat yang stabil berhubungan erat dengan pori drainase tanah. Selain itu, stabilitas agregat tanah berkorelasi negatif dengan kuat geser tanah. Semakin tinggi jumlah aplikasi limbah ekstraksi bromelain, semakin rendah kekuatan geser dan sensitivitas tanah. Aplikasi limbah ekstraksi bromelain menurunkan bobot isi dan meningkatkan ruang pori tanah, yang keduanya berperan dalam menurunkan kuat geser dan sensitivitas tanah.
An intensive soil tillage practice, especially when related to long-live perennial crops such as pineapples, may leads to soil organic matter content depletion which is in line with a decline in crop productivity. PT Great Giant Pineapple Plantation has experienced a decline in productivity since 2018, which was caused by low soil organic matter content and soil compaction. However, incorporation of organic matter into soil often experiences problems due to its relatively short residence time. Application of bromelain extraction waste as resistant organic matter resources might answer the problem. A set of experiments consisting of 0, 20, 40, 60, and 80 ton ha-1 of bromelain extraction waste has been done to indicate its role in increasing soil physical quality. The parameters observed were aggregate stability, shear strength, and sensitivity of soil. The application of bromelain waste extraction in the fifth month showed a more stable aggregation of soil particles. Stable aggregates are closely related to soil drainage pores. In addition, soil aggregate stability is negatively correlated with soil shear strength. The higher amount of bromelain extraction waste applications, the lower the shear strength and sensitivity of the soil. The application of bromelain extraction waste has been shown to reduce bulk density and increase pore space, both of which play a role in reducing soil shear strength and sensitivity.
Appears in Collections:UT - Land Resource Management

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