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Title: Keanekaragaman Struktur Reproduksi pada Tumbuhan Paku Epifit di Kawasan Kampus IPB, Dramaga, Bogor
Other Titles: Diversity of Reproductive Structures in Epiphytic Ferns in the Campus Area of IPB, Dramaga, Bogor
Authors: Djuita, Nina Ratna
Chikmawati, Tatik
Badriah, Siti Nurul
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Institut Pertanian Bogor merupakan kampus dengan biodiversitas tinggi. Tumbuhan paku epifit menjadi salah satu tumbuhan yang sangat melimpah jumlah dan jenisnya, tetapi informasi struktur reproduksinya masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkarakterisasi struktur reproduksi tumbuhan paku epifit yang tumbuh di kawasan kampus IPB, Dramaga, Bogor. Metode penelitian terdiri dari koleksi sorus, pengawetan dengan alkohol 70%, pengamatan menggunakan mikroskop majemuk yang dihubungkan pada kamera optilab, dan pengukuran menggunakan aplikasi imageRaster v2.1. Tumbuhan paku epifit yang diamati bervariasi pada susunan dan letak sorus serta ciri sporanya. Sorus berbentuk bulat dan garis. Sebagian besar sorus terletak pada tepi daun. Sebanyak 22 jenis tumbuhan paku yang memiliki spora bentuk monolete dengan laesura garis, satu jenis bentuk bulat, dan satu jenis bentuk tetrahedral-globose dengan laesura triradiate. Ukuran spora yang dijumpai yaitu medium, besar dan sangat besar. Semua spora memiliki nilai rasio P/E ≤1,00 dengan tipe peroblate, oblate, suboblate, oblate bulat dan prolate bulat. Permukaan perispora sangat beragam yaitu alate-angular, globules, shallow verrucae, verrucate, echinulate, tuberculate, rugate, globules, echinate, laevate, cristate, regulate, colliculate, granulose, dan costate-alate.
Bogor Agricultural University is a campus with high biodiversity. Epiphytic ferns are one of the most abundant plants in terms of numbers and types, but information on their reproductive structures is still limited. This study aims to characterize the reproductive structure of epiphytic ferns that grow in the IPB campus area, Dramaga, Bogor. The research method consisted of a collection of sorus, preserving it with 70% alcohol, observing using a compound microscope connected to an optilab camera, and measuring using the imageRaster v2.1 application. The observed epiphytic ferns varied in the arrangement and location of the sorus and the characteristics of the spores. The sorus was round and line. Most of the sorus were located on the leaf margins. A total of 22 fern species had monolete spore with line laesura, one species had round spore, and one species had tetrahedral-globose spore with triradiate laesura. Spore sizes found were medium, large, and very large. All spores had a P/E ratio value of ≤1.00 with peroblate, oblate, suboblate, round oblate, and round prolate types. The surface of the perispora is very diverse, namely alate-angular, globules, shallow verrucae, verrucate, echinulate, tuberculate, rugate, globules, echinate, laevate, cristate, regulate, colliculate, granulose, and costate-alate.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biology

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