Browsing DT - Mathematics and Natural Science by Title
Now showing items 114-133 of 445
Generalized linear mixed models of ordinal poverty response in nested area
(2012)The Linear Mixed Models in this study is a development of Spatial Generalized Linear Mixed Model proposed by Zhang and Lin (2008). As in Zhang’s and Lin’s model, spatial (regional) data in this study is concerned on the ... -
Genetic diversity and microevolution of pyricularia grisea from grasses
(2012)Pyricularia is the fungus caused rice and grasses blast disease. They are morphologically indistinguishable, therefore their specific epithet is often based on host. The concept of Pyricularia species using nucleotide ... -
Genetic transformation of Nicotiana benthamiana L. and soybean with MaMt2 Gene Encoding Metallothionein Type II from Melastoma malabathricum L.
(2012)The low pH and high concentration of aluminum (Al) are major limiting factors for crops production. The capability of crops to cope those stresses can be improved by expressing genes controlling adaptation to low pH and ... -
Genetic transformation of rice using rhizobium and agrobacterium and functional analysis of OsHox6 Gene
(2012)Rice (Oryza sativa) is not only the most important crop in the world, but also a model plant for functional genomic studies. Genetic transformation is a routine technique for transferring important traits into plants ... -
Hewan Model Diabetes dan Aplikasinya pada Pengujian Gambir sebagai Kandidat Antidiabetes Baru
(2023-01-18)Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan hewan model diabetes yang optimal melalui evaluasi terhadap tikus Sprague Dawley yang diinduksi alloxan ataupun streptozotocin beserta variasi dosisnya, mengevaluasi kejadian ... -
Hierarchical Likelihood Methods for Small Area Estimation with Beta-Binomial Response and Measurement Error in the Auxiliary Variable
(2024-01)This research is motivated by developing a model on small area estimation. Small Area Estimation (SAE) is a statistical method to estimate parameters in a subpopulation with a small number of samples or none. The SAE model ... -
Hubungan Beberapa Aspek Biologi Cherax Lorentzi (Crustacea : Parastacidae) Dengan Karakteristik Habitatnya Di Daerah Aliran Sungai Klasafet Sorong - Irian Jaya
(1996)Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui beberapa aspek bioekologi C. lorentzi di DAS Klasafet Sorong diantaranya: karakteristik habitat, struktur populasi, pertumbuhan alami, distribusi dan kepadatan reproduksinya ... -
Hydroclimate zonation for optimized agricultural landuse using SWAT model: case of Barito Hulu watershed in Central Kalimantan
(2012)Landcover changes, particularly due to deforestation, may affect the hydrological response of watershed. Deforestation of natural forest represents a major part of forest land degradation that affected the watershed ... -
Identifikasi dan Karakterisasi Molekuler Gen-Gen Pengontrol Pembungaan pada Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)
(2024)Kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) adalah tanaman penghasil minyak nabati utama yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pangan maupun bahan bakar. Produktivitas perkebunan kelapa sawit Indonesia masih rendah dengan hanya ... -
Identifikasi dan Karakterisasi Molekuler Gen-Gen Pengontrol Pembungaan pada Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)
(2024)Kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) adalah tanaman penghasil minyak nabati utama yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pangan maupun bahan bakar. Produktivitas perkebunan kelapa sawit Indonesia masih rendah dengan hanya ... -
Implementasi dan Analisis Kinerja Hadoop Cluster Pada Raspberry Pi untuk Penjajaran Sekuens DNA
(2015)Saat ini, hampir semua data tersimpan dalam bentuk data elektronik. Perkembangan data elektronik dari waktu ke waktu yang sangat pesat memunculkan istilah big data. Big data memiliki tiga karakteristik yaitu : volume, ... -
Implikasi Etnobotani Kuantitatif dalam Kaitannya dengan Konservai Gunung Mutis, Timor
(1998)Penelitian ini memerikan suatu teknik kuantitatif baru untuk mengevaluasi manfaat alternatif tetumbuhan bagi penduduk lokal. Teknik baru ini dibandingkan dengan pendekatan-pendekatan kuantitatif dalam rtnobotani yang telah ... -
Improvement Calibration Models with bayesian Approach (Cases Medicinal Plants)
(2005)Medicinal plants have been used commonly in Indonesia, either as raw material or as traditional medicine product e.g “jamu”’ standardized extracts and phytopharmaca. To ensure the quality of medicinal plants product to be ... -
Imunostimulan dan Antiinflamasi Metabolit Ekstraseluler Bakteri Probiotik Lactobacillus plantarum Indigenous Indonesia
(2023-08-24)Inflamasi merupakan respon tubuh akibat terjadinya infeksi virus maupun bakteri serta cidera pada tubuh. Inflamasi tersebut dapat mengaktifkan respon imun dalam meningkatkan kemokin dan sitokin antiinflamasi. Sel antigen ... -
In vitro Selection For Drought Resistance On Rice
(2005)The rice demand is recently increasing , on the other hand the production is decreasing. It is caused by the long dry season due to the seasonal change. In addition, a lot of productive land has changed into industrial and ... -
Increase of Aluminium Tolerant and Low pH in Rice through Somaclonal Variation and Gamma Ray Irradiation.
(2004)The main problem faces the expansion of rice plants in acid soils are A1 toxicity and low pH. The best approach to solve it is to produce tolerance varieties through genetic improvement. It is stable and enviroment friendly. ... -
Indeks Kekeringan Meteorologis Berdasarkan Model ECMWF Terkoreksi untuk Karakterisasi Potensi Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan
(2021)The occurrence of drought in Indonesia is almost an event that occurs every year. This drought affects many sectors and tends to occur more frequently. Indonesia is in 4th position (behind India, Japan and China) with ... -
Injeksi Bovine Somatotropin (bST) dan Penambahan Konsentrat pada Sapi Holstein Laktasi di Dataran Tinggi Cikole Lembang
(2007)Sebanyak 24 ekor sapi Holstein laktasi yang dipelihara di dataran tinggi telah digunakan untuk mempelajari respons fisiologis terhadap injeksi somatotropin. Penelitian dirancang menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan ...