Now showing items 1-10 of 20
Skrining Efektivitas Ekstrak dan Fraksi Daun Sembung Rambat (Mikania micrantha H.B.K.) terhadap Bakteri dan Dermatofita
The aim of this research was to compare the effectivity of crude ethanolic extract of sembung rambat (Mikania micrantha H.B.K.) leaves and its fractions (n-hexan, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and aquades fraction) against ...
Performa reproduksi imago jantan ulat sutera liar Attacus atlas L. (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
Attacus atlas L. (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) is one of Indonesian native insect that has a great potential economy. Fulfillment the demand of material for silk thread still rely that exist in nature, therefore, needs to be ...
Pemberian simvastatin, virgin coconut oil (VCO), dan ekstrak kunyit terhadap profil leukosit kelinci (Oryctolagus cuniculus) hiperkolesterolemia
This study was aimed to determine the effect of cholesterol lowering drugs such as simvastatin, virgin coconut oil (VCO), and turmeric extract that is associated with the profile of leukocyte hypercholesterolemic rabbit ...
Efektivitas insektisida terhadap larva caplak sapi (Boophilus microplus) peternakan sapi potong di Jonggol Kabupaten Bogor
Boophilus microplus cattle tick is important ectoparasites of cattle, especially because of its hematophagous and also as vector of babesiosis and anaplasmosis. Application of chemical insecticide is still mostly done for ...
Kecacingan pada Kukang Sumatera (Nycticebus coucang) di Pusat Rehabilitasi Satwa Primata Yayasan International Animal Rescue Indonesia (YIARI)
According to the International Union Conservation of Nature and natural Resources (IUCN), Sumateran slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) is protected primates which was vulnerable animal. Their population in wildlife decreased ...
Eksplorasi Potensi Limbah Imago Ulat Sutera Liar Attacus atlas (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
Wild Silkworm Attacus atlas is an Indonesian native germplasm from Aceh to Papua. Cultivation of wild silkworm Attacus atlas has started in line with the high market demand on the caterpillar cocoon. The purpose of this ...
Gambaran Toksikopatologi Organ Hati dan Ginjal Mencit C3H Pasca Pemberian Capsaicin
Capsaicin is the mayor compound founds in chilli peppers of the Capsicum genus. Capsaicin has been shown to have antiproliferative activity to intestine, liver, prostate, and leucocytes cancer cells in vitro. The liver and ...
Isolasi dan ldentifikasi Bakteri pad a J aringan Lemak Imago Betina Ulat Sutera Liar Attacus Atlas (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
The aim of this study was to identify the bacteria that lived in the fat body of female imagoes Attacus atlas which was collected from tea plantation PTPN VIII Pangleujar Purwakarta Regency West Java Province. Samples were ...
Kadar Besi, Kalsium, dan Fosfor dalam Darah pada Tikus dengan Implan Tulang Berbahan Logam Besi Berpori
This study aimed to determine ferum (Fe), calcium (Ca), and phosphorus (P) blood levels in rats after implantation using iron porous metal implants. A total of 60 Sprague Dawley rats with an average weight of 175 g were ...
Gambaran Sel Darah Putih dan Indeks Stres Ayam Broiler yang Diberi Jamu Bagas Waras (Jahe, Kunyit, dan Kencur) melalui Air Minum
Jamu bagas waras is combination of jahe, kunyit, and kencur. The research was conducted to study the influent of jamu bagas waras to white blood cells profile and stress index on broiler. Twenty broilers were assigned into ...