Now showing items 71-75 of 75
Penentuan Waktu Standar dan Biaya Produksi Minyak Nyamplung (Studi Kasus di Koperasi Jarak Lestari, Cilacap)
Crude calophyllum oil is one of the raw materials for producing biodiesel that is aimed to replace diesel fuel thats supply has decrease. One of the aspect that must be concern in developing alternative energy is increasing ...
Strategi Adaptasi terhadap Perubahan Iklim pada Ekowisata di Taman Wisata Alam Telogo Warno Telogo Pengilon dan Nama NIM Sekitarnya
The issue of climate change has occurred in Indonesian over the last few years is expected to potentially affect ecotourism activities at Nature in Tourism Telogo Warno Telogo Pengilon Park (TWATWTP). These adaptation ...
Karakteristik Bambu Lapis sebagai Bahan Baku Meubel
Bamboo is one of the alternative raw materials for industry utilized to fulfil the demands on forestry sector. The purpose of this research is to analyze the characteristics of laminated bamboo and examine its suitability ...
Pengaruh Penambahan Media Tanam terhadap Keberhasilan Aplikasi Pangkas Akar dan Inokulasi Fungi Ektomikoriza pada Bibit Melinjo
Root pruning has been known to fix root’s root system and enhancing ectomycorrhiza colonization in 2 months old melinjo seeds, but during 6 months of observation, it is not giving any significant effect to enhance growth ...
Parameter Demografi dan Penggunaan Ruang Vertikal Lutung Jawa (Trachypithecus auratus Geoffroy 1812) di Resort Tamanjaya Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon
Demography parameter of ebony leaf monkey at Tamanjaya Resort of Ujung Kulon National Park wasn’t knew. Demography parameter was important component to the studied of population. The purposed of this study was to estimated ...