Now showing items 31-40 of 75
Perencanaan Pengembangan Kerja Sama Kemitraan Multi Pihak Usaha Hutan Rakyat (Studi Kasus Di Desa Citanglar Kecamatan Surade Kabupaten Sukabumi)
Community forests has a long contribution to the economic and ecological either directly to the owner or to the surrounding community. The study was carried out to study and to document the planning of multi stakeholder ...
Evaluasi Keberhasilan Pengelolaan Usaha Hutan Rakyat Jati Di Desa Citanglar Kecamatan Surade Kabupaten Sukabumi
Demand for wood as a raw material for industry is continuing to increase rapidly. There are many ways to meet the need of wood, one of wich is trough the utilization of community forest. Community forest surade has an area ...
Analisis Penentuan Daur Optimal Kelas Perusahaan Acacia mangium di BKPH Parung Panjang
A rotation is an interval of period between planting and cultivation. A financial rotation is a rotation aiming for monetary return. Usually, the determination of financial rotation is by using Faustman model. However, the ...
Pengembangan potensi hutan mangrove untuk tujuan ekowisata di Desa Muara Kecamatan Teluknaga Kabupaten Tangerang
Mangrove forest which has a primary function to prevent abrasion, protection against wind, sea water intrusion prevention, and as an energy producer, in the last few years many have been converted to non-forest land, such ...
Keanekaragaman jenis Burung pada beberapa tipe Habitat di Hutan Penelitian Dramaga, Bogor, Jawa Barat
Dramaga Research Forest, located in the outskirt of Bogor, provides a good habitat for birds. This research was aimed to study bird diversity, identifying habitat characteristics (around the forest path, along house edge, ...
Komposisi Functional Species Group pada Sistem Silvikultur Tebang Pilih Tanam Jalur di Area IUPHHK-HA PT Sarpatim, Kalimantan Tengah
Forest management can have an impact on changes in forest structure and composition of plant species. Functional species Group (FSG) may explain the unity of the trees species that are selected in a group in a forest ...
Analisis Biaya Pemanenan Untuk Menentukan Upah Minimum
Minimum wage is the lowest wage that will be used as a standard by the employer to determine the real wages of workers who work in the company. The minimum wage aims to enable a worker is able to meet the minimum needs of ...
Keanekaragaman dan Pola Sebaran Spesies Tumbuhan Asing Invasif Di Cagar Alam Yan Lapa
Invasive alien plants species were plant species which come from other regions or countries and gift negative impact to the native species diversity. This research aimed to identify the vegetation composition and structure, ...
Kontribusi Pendapatan Penyadap Getah Pinus Tehadap Kesejahteraan Penyadap Di BKPH Lengkong, KPH Sukabumi, Perum Perhutani Divisi Regional Jawa Barat-Banten
Pine resin is one of non wood forest product which utilized in Perum Perhutani and has high economic value. Perum Perhutani involves community surrounding forest area as pine resin tapper which aimed to increase of pine ...
Pemodelan Simulasi Pengelolaan Hutan Alam di PT Suka Jaya Makmur
Forest product is consists of timber, non-timber forest products and environmental services. Currently, utilization of forest resources in the PT Suka Jaya Makmur is only focusing on timber utilization, while the non-timber ...