Browsing Dissertations and Theses by Title
Now showing items 26820-26839 of 125228
Durability of Specific Immunoglobulin (Ig) Y Againts Influenza and Covid-19 in Sunscreen
(2023-07-18)The benefit of specific immunoglobulin Y (Ig Y) as an active ingredient in personal care products such as sunscreen has not been properly studied. Our study aims to evaluate the reliability of specific IgY against ... -
Durasi Antibodi Asal Induk terhadap Avian Influenza dan Respon Antibodi Hasil Vaksinasi terhadap Infectious Bursal Disease pada Ayam Layer.
(2019)Program vaksinasi pada peternakan ayam layer dilakukan dengan memonitoring titer antibodi dan durasi imunitas pada ayam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi titer antibodi asal induk terhadap Avian Influenza dan ... -
Durasi dan beberapa aspek fisiologi pemakaian anestetikum xylazine dan ketamin untuk ovariohisterektomi pada kucing lokal
(2001)Salah satu dari hewan kesayangan yang banyak diminati orang diantaranya adalah kucing lokal, karena selain mudah pemeliharaannya juga memiliki daya adaptasi yang cukup baik. Kucing lokal mempunyai kemampuan reproduksi yang ... -
Durasi Proteksi Vaksin Koktail Untuk Pencegahan Penyakit Motile Aeromonads Septicemia Dan Streptococcosis Pada Ikan Nila (Oreochromis Niloticus).
(2015)Ko-infeksi bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila dan Streptococcus agalactiae rentan terjadi pada budidaya nila, sehingga pencegahan menggunakan vaksin koktail yang mengandung kedua bakterin tersebut merupakan langkah yang tepat ... -
Durasi Proteksi Vaksin Streptococcus agalactiae untuk Pencegahan Streptococcosis pada Ikan Nila Oreochromis niloticus.
(2012)Streptococcosis menyebabkan kerugian dalam budidaya ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus), pencegahan dapat dilakukan dengan vaksinasi. Vaksinasi terbukti dapat memproteksi ikan dari patogen tertentu, namun keberadaan antibodi ... -
Dustribusi Zooplankton dan klorofil di Perairan sekitar Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa, Teluk Jakarta
(1982)Penelitian tentang distribusi zooplankton dan klorofil-a di perairan sekitar pelabuhan Sunda Kelap, Teluk Jakarta telah dilakukan dari Oktober 1982 sampai April 1983. Pengumpulan contoh zooplankton dilakukan dengan ... -
Dwifungsi Genteng-Karbon Penjerap Gas dari Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Berperekat Molase Asam Sitrat dengan Katalis ZnO
(2024)Genteng merupakan elemen krusial pada struktur bangunan, berperan sebagai penutup atap rumah. Penggunaan genteng dengan massa yang cukup berat dapat membahayakan keselamatan manusia saat terjadi gempa. Oleh karena itu, ... -
Dwifungsi Genteng-Karbon Penjerap Gas dari Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Berperekat Molase Asam Sitrat dengan Katalis ZnO
(2024)Genteng merupakan elemen krusial pada struktur bangunan, berperan sebagai penutup atap rumah. Penggunaan genteng dengan massa yang cukup berat dapat membahayakan keselamatan manusia saat terjadi gempa. Oleh karena itu, ... -
Dye Sensitized Solar cell (DSSC) Berbahan Dasar Polistirena Tersulfonasi–Montmorillonit dengan Pewarna Organik buah Naga Merah
(2017)Dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) dapat mengonversi cahaya matahari menjadi energi listrik. DSSC telah difabrikasi dengan menggunakan Pss/montmorillonit yang dilapisi ke kaca ITO dengan tambahan pewarna ekstrak buah naga ... -
Dye-sensitized Solar Cell Polistirena Tersulfonasi- TiO2 dengan Zat Warna dari Umbi Bit Merah.
(2017)Polimer membran elektrolit adalah polimer yang mampu menghantarkan elektron karena memiliki gugus elektrofilik atau hidrofilik yang dimilikinya, seperti gugus sulfonat. Polistirena tersulfonasi (PSS) disintesis dari ... -
Dynamic Analysis of Rural Development in Bogor Regency
(2012)Success of rural development requires a multifaceted and comprehensive approach to the unique characteristics of rural area that are different from each other. This research is aimed to analyze the dynamics of rural ... -
Dynamic data mining for highly intercorrelated feature selection with Graphic Processing Unit Computing (GPU)
(2013)Feature selection with correlated features in the real world should be performed on dynamic data. This is due to insertion, deletion and updating transactions occur continuously on the database. This transaction makes the ... -
Dynamic Floodplain Visualization of Unsteady Flood Models using Geographic Information System (Case Study of Downstream Ciliwung, Jakarta, Indonesia)
(2005)Jakarta (also Djakarta or DKI Jakarta) is the capital and the largest city of Indonesia, located on the northwest coast of the island of Java, at 6" 11' S and 106"SO'E. It has an area of 650 km2. Down stream Ciliwung, ... -
Dynamic Model of Coral Reefs Ecosystem Management at the Pramuka Island, Thousand Islands Marine National Park
(2012)The increasing number of tourists since 2003 and the development of community-based tourism in protected areas of Pramuka Island in the Thousand Islands Marine National Park caused the pressure on the quality of resources, ... -
Dynamic Model of Coral Reefs Ecosystem Management at the Pramuka Island, Thousand Islands Marine National Park
(2012)The increasing number of tourists since 2003 and the development of community-based tourism in protected areas of Pramuka Island in the Thousand Islands Marine National Park caused the pressure on the quality of resources, ... -
Dynamic model of Economic Growth with Variable Time Diskret Fiscal and Monetary Policy.
(2009)This paper is a scientific analysis on how fiscal and monetary policies affect economic growth (related to the amount of money and consumption). Model is essentially a budget constraint the household sector for the period ... -
Dynamic model of motor vehicle emissions control in Makassar
(2013)Makassar as a metropolitan has currently is facing the problem of rapid growth of the number of vehicle, which caused traffic jam and decrease of air quality as the result of vehicle emissions. The analysis of emission ... -
Dynamic Model of Small Scale Timber Regulation and Carbon (Case Study at Indegenous Forests in Manokwari District West Papua Province).
(2011)This study aims to construct a scenario timber regulation and carbon sequestration in the logged indigenous forests in Manokwari West Papua Province. The method used in this research is descriptive method with survey method ... -
Dynamic model of the Sustainable Management of Mangrove Ecosystems in Wulan Estuary Demak
(2013)Mangrove serves as spawning grounds and nursery grounds for various species of fish, shellfish and other species. Mangrove litter such as leaves, twigs and other biomass fall to become food sources for organisme in the ... -
Dynamic model predictive control sources aktivities of phosphorus (P) in the reservoir in the integrated and sustainable: A case study Cirata Reservoir, West Java.
(2012)Increased of phosphorus loads in the Cirata Reservoir not only come from freshwater aquaculture using cage culture, but also land development (used) around the reservoir such as settlements, paddy field, and agriculture ...