Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Efisiensi teknis penggunaan bahan Polyurethane sebagai insulasi palka kapal ikan 

      Amiruddin, Wilma | Iskandar, Budhi Hascaryo | Murdiyanto, Bambang | Baskoro, Mulyono S. (2012)
      The use of polyurethane insulation in fish hold o fishing boats will provide a good ability in preserving the fish that saved if the use of insulation meets the technical criteria. One of the technical criteria is the ...
    • Teknologi pembesaran cacing Nereis Dendronereis pinnaticirris (Grube 1864) 

      Mustofa, Ahmad Ghufron | Harris, Enang | Supriyono, Eddy | Jusadi, Dedi (2012)
      Minimum requirement of polychaetes, including the nereis Dendronereis pinnaticirris, as feed for shrimp broodstocks in Indonesian hatcheries on 2011 was 6,947 tons. In the next years it is forecasted that the need will ...