Browsing MT - Professional Master by Title
Now showing items 881-887 of 887
Validasi metode analisis kandungan spesifik residu total monomer stiren pada kemasan polistiren busa dengan simulan panga
(2013)In the last decade, plastic food packaging safety is a part of food safety issues. One type of plastic food packaging -related safety spotlight is polystyrene packaging. Some research results showed that the styrene monomer ... -
Validasi Metode Deteksi Alergen Udang dan Aplikasinya dalam Pengujian Perubahan Alergenisitas Protein Udang selama Proses Perebusan
(2023-07-14)Pangan laut (Seafood) mengandung berbagai macam zat gizi yang bermanfaat untuk kesehatan. Namun pangan laut dapat menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan seperti reaksi imunologis sistemik dan anafilaksis pada penderita alergi. ... -
Validasi sekunder metode analisa campylobacter jejuni pada daging ayam
(2009)Foodborne disease (penyakit akibat pangan) merupakan suatu penyakit yang diderita oleh seseorang akibat mengonsumsi makanan yang telah terkontaminasi bahan kimia beracun atau mikroba patogen. Salah satu gejala foodborne ... -
Web-based geographic information system for tourism (Case study of East Java Indonesia)
(2006)The objective of this research is to build Web-based GIS Information System that provides spatial and non-spatial tourism information via Internet environment. To reach the goal of this research, there are several activities ... -
Web-based GIS cambodia natural conservation areas information system (Case study: Phnom Prich, Mondulkiri Province, Cambodia)
(2006)Internet has become a competent technology for data communication due to distributing technology of the web servers. The data and maps reach to the thin clients with the minimum system requirements at end user and with the ... -
Web-based information literacy learning design in school
(2012)Information Literacy (IL) Program is a library program that aims to improve the ability of library users to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed ... -
Wetland Change Prediction Using Markov Cellular Automata Model In Lore Lindu National Park Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia (Seminar)
(2008)Lore Lindu National Park (LLNP) is located between 119°90’ - 120°16’ East and 1°8’ - 1°3’ South and administratively, located in Poso District and Donggala District, in Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Topographically, ...