Browsing UT - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences by Subject "ZDTP"
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Kinerja Antikorosi Zink Dialkilditiofosfat Berdasarkan Studi Termodinamika dan Kinetika dengan Teknik Polarisasi Potensiodinamik
(2013)Zinc Dialkyldithiophosphates (ZDTP) is lubricant additives and has function as anti-friction, anti-wear, antioxidant, and anti-corrosion. ZDTP Performances as anti-corrosion is measured by potentiodynamic polarization ... -
Kinetika dan Termodinamika Korosi Logam Cu dan Inhibisinya oleh Zink (Disikloheksilditiofosfat) dengan Teknik Polarisasi Potensiodinamik
(2014)Zinc dialkyldithiophosphates (ZDTP) is a lubricant additives which has many functions such as anti-friction, anti-wear, antioxidants, and anti-corrosion. In this research, ZDTP type which was made is ZDTP with alkyl ... -
Pengaruh Pelarut pada Rendemen Sintesis Zink bis(dibutil ditiofosfat)
(2013)Lubricant additives used in Indonesia are still imported. Zink dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDTP) is a multifunctional oil additives, works as an antioxidant, antiwear, anticorrosion, and antiscuff. Synthesis of ZDTP has been ... -
Pengaruh Pelarut pada Rendemen Sintesis Zink bis(dibutil ditiofosfat)
(2013)Aditif pelumas yang digunakan di Indonesia masih diimpor. Salah satu aditif pelumas multifungsi adalah zink dialkilditiofosfat (ZDTP) yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan, antiaus, antikorosi, dan penghambat lecet. Sintesis ...