Now showing items 1-10 of 992
Studi Budidaya Lily Potong (Lilium Spp.) di Kebun Cibodas PT. Puri Sekar Asri Lembang-Bandung, Jawa Barat.
Lily as cut flower is one of ornamental plant which has high price in Indonesia. High demand of lily cut flower in domestic market must be followed by good agriculture practices to decrease the lost product. The internship ...
Pertumbuhan Beberapa Genotipe Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas L.) di Tanah Masam
Indonesia have many acid lands, but their usefullness were still a bit because the nutrient content in acid land is low. Meanwhile, Jatropha is a plant which can grow on various types of lands (includes on marginal land) ...
PrediksiPenggunaanLahandenganMetode Markov Chain dan PengujianImplementasiAlokasiRuangdi KabupatenBungoLand Use Prediction Using Markov Chain and Land Allocation Implementation Study in Bungo Regency.
Land use change commonly occurs as a logical consequence of regional development. Widely known drivers include government policies, as well as physical, social and economic causes. The research sets its goals to (1) identify ...
Identifikasi lahan pertanian rawan kekeringan dengan metode sistem informasi geografis
Drought is an event where rainfall is very low for long time period. Drought is a common natural phenomenon in Indonesia. It affects a wide variety of events, one of which is crop failure. This study aims to determine the ...
Evaluasi Daya Gabung dan Heterosis 10 Hibrida Cabai (Capsicum annuum L.) Hasil Persiiangan Half Diallel
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2007)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi daya gabung, heterosis, dan nilai heritabilitas 10 hibrida cabai (Capsicum annuum L.) hasil persilangan half dialle!, serta mendapatkan galur murni yang dapat dijadikan sebagai ...
Keragaman Gen Protein Selubung Rice Tungro Bacilliform Badnavirus pada Suatu Luasan Petak Tanaman Padi di Desa Ciherang, Kecamatan Darmaga, Kabupaten Bogor.
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2007)
Salah satu penyakit penting pada tanaman padi adalah penyakit tungro. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh 2 virus yaitu Rice tungro bacilliform badnavirus (RTBV) dan Rice tungro spherical badnavirus (RTSV) yang ditularkan oleh ...
Kajian Pemupukan fosfor Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Antosianin Dua Aksesi Rosela (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.).
Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) is a common herb plant that contain high anthocyanin. This research on roselle was conducted in 2009 at Cikabayan Research Center, IPB. The purpose of the research was to study the effect ...
Pengelolaan Proses Produksi dan Pasca Panen Selada (Lactuca sativa L.) Secara Aeroponik dan Hidroponik Deep Flow Technique di Amazing Farm, Lembang, Bandung.
Vegetables are needed by human being as their consumption to fulfill their daily nutrition, that’s why the opportunity of vegetables production is widely opened to be developed. This opportunity drives people to use the ...
Identifikasi Jenis Meloidogyne spp., Penyebab Penyakit Umbi Bercabang pada Wortel, Daucus carota (L.) di Jawa Tengah.
Penyakit umbi bercabang merupakan permasalahan baru dalam budidaya tanaman wortel di Indonesia. Penyakit dapat menurunkan kuantitas dan kualitas umbi sehingga menimbulkan kerugian yang besar bagi petani. Kurniawan (2010) ...
Seleksi dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Penghasil Siderofor sebagai Agens Antagonis Ralstonia solanacearum pada Tomat
Siderofor merupakan senyawa pengelat besi (Fe) yang dapat memfasilitasi transfer Fe dari lingkungan menjadi tersedia bagi tanaman. Senyawa ini diketahui berperan dalam mekanisme pengendalian bakteri patogen tumbuhan. ...